Bottling query

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Apr 9, 2013
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After bottling how long do the bottles need to stay in warmer temperatures before transferring to cold storage?
For me it's a case of trying the odd one until I'm happy, at the moment with the warmer wheather carbonation is done in a week, when its colder it can be u to a month.
As long as possible!! Honestly, I made a wherry and drank it after 2 weeks in the cold. Wasnt impressed. Just had another pint 6 weeks on and wow what a change. Its as clear as a bell and tastes lovely :thumb:
It's worth using at least one plastic bottle as you can tell how well carbonation is going by squeezing it. Once it's hard you know you can move the whole batch into the cold.
rpt said:
It's worth using at least one plastic bottle as you can tell how well carbonation is going by squeezing it. Once it's hard you know you can move the whole batch into the cold.

I do this too. It's a great tip!
When you say move in to the cold? How cold is cold? The only place I can store my batch is in the shed. When the weather is warmer, I can't think of anywhere I can store lower than room temp.

I used a newky brown bottle for a few of mine so I can see how clear it gets... It was clear in about a week, but I put it in the fridge and it went cloudy. Chill haze I believe... I'm keeping it in the fridge in the hope it might clear again after a while.
marksa222 said:
When you say move in to the cold? How cold is cold? The only place I can store my batch is in the shed. When the weather is warmer, I can't think of anywhere I can store lower than room temp.

I used a newky brown bottle for a few of mine so I can see how clear it gets... It was clear in about a week, but I put it in the fridge and it went cloudy. Chill haze I believe... I'm keeping it in the fridge in the hope it might clear again after a while.

Mines out in the shed but along with you when/if the weather warms im gonna struggle for somewhere colder.