Bottling after 2 weeks in PB

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Active Member
May 6, 2020
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Hi all.

So my brew should be ready after just over 2 weeks in my pressure barrel.

I have mates and family wanting to try my brew.

Can I bottle from the PB?
That's not the usual way of doing it, but it can be done. You tend to get a lot of foam once the beer comes out of the PB under pressure.

I found that fitting a short section of large diameter tube to the PB tap then reducing to a longer section of small diameter tube worked ok. The smaller diameter tube should reach to the bottom of your bottles. This reduces the amount of foaming up in the bottle and keeps the oxygen out a bit more.

The beer will have CO2 dissolved in but will lose some pressure during transfer, so you'll need to add a little priming sugar to the bottles before adding the beer. I've used something like a 1/4 teaspoon per 500ml bottle. Then place the bottles somewhere warm enough to carbonate for another week or so.

Thanks .

So even tho I've added sugar to the PB, I still need to add sugar to every bottle I transfer the beer to?
If all of your sugar has been used up carbonating and pressurising the PB there will be none left to add pressure in the bottle. You will still have some pressure from the dissolved CO2, but it will reduce once you put the beer in bottles because a) you'll get some foaming which is CO2 escaping, b) CO2 will come out of the beer to equalise pressure with the air in the headspace of the bottle (unless you don't leave any headspace, which I don't imagine is a good thing to do).
Just a quickie. Which sugar to use? Used all brewing sugar in 2nd ferment in PB.
I do of course have the usual home sugars collection.