Bottled beer is now like a syrup???

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Active Member
Jun 22, 2010
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The recipe below was my 1st ever attempt at an AG brew everything went relatively well until after being in the bottles for just over 2 weeks I opened one to see what it was like and when poured the beer has the consistancy of a slightly runny syrup.
I used a standard white sugar to prime and carbonate the beer does anyone know what might have happened??

The recipe

3.2kg Pale Malt (Going with Maris Otter)
220g Amber Malt

Bittering Hops
12g Cascade
9 g Bobek

Second Hops Added 10 mins before end of boil
5g Cascade
4g Bobek

Aroma Hops
20g Goldings
9g Cascade
11g Bobek
Hi rimski

That sounds a bit odd? What are the other characteristics like - taste, smell? Is it carbonated?
Sounds like a 'ropey' infection . . . if it gets really bad it sets like jelly . . It's called ropey cause that's what the beer looks like on pouring
Is that the same as the lactic acid bacterial infection you get in wine?

If so the method for fixing the wine is to aerate like made and drop 2 CT per gallon into the brew before filtering, can't see that working very well for a beer though. :(
It turns out that it is the ropey infection and it is more than likely the way I syphoned the beer using my mough to draw the beer into the 2nd FV and bottles etc I am going to invest in a tap for my 2nd FV and use a syringe and water for priming the syphon tube.

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