Bottle sterilization

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Active Member
Mar 24, 2010
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I use VWP as a cleaner/steriliser on all my equipment, only problem it’s rinse, rinse and then a few more rinses to get rid of the smell and tiny particles.
I don’t mind this on fv’s and dj’s turn out nice and sparkling but for 30 wine bottles it’s a bit of a pain.
Once I’ve finished off a bottle I wash in soapy water, rinse and then drain, most have screw tops and those that don’t I seal with cling film and store them in a box.
My question really is would it be ok to use only a steriliser just prior to use, I was going to use diluted videne, spray it into the bottles swirl and empty.
This is for wine which I don’t think is as susceptible to bacteria as beer but I may be wrong on that point.
I rinse and drain my bottles well after drinking, then prior to use I wash then in a washing soda solution then use videne to sterilise. :thumb:
I made a steam steraliser out of copper pipes which fit the to the wallpaper steamer it is basically a section of 22mm opper pipe arranged into a square the 6 14mm copper uprights with blanks on and small holes drilled into it works a treat :thumb:
Thanks Guys,

Like the idea with the steamer I'm sure I've got a wallpaper stripper somewhere.
hawkinspm is this similar to what you use link. Do you soak your bottles in it if so what sort of quantity do you use.

31bb3 said:
I made a steam steraliser out of copper pipes which fit the to the wallpaper steamer it is basically a section of 22mm opper pipe arranged into a square the 6 14mm copper uprights with blanks on and small holes drilled into it works a treat :thumb:

Have you ever shown a photo of that Eddie as I'm sure I saw one somewhere?
Just bought a steamer myself for the same purpose. (I had to tell mrs C that it would be VERY useful around the house) ;)
niles said:
Thanks Guys,

Like the idea with the steamer I'm sure I've got a wallpaper stripper somewhere.
hawkinspm is this similar to what you use link. Do you soak your bottles in it if so what sort of quantity do you use.


I use these ones clicky, but get them from Sainsburys usually, hidden away near washing powders. Similar I would think, but cheaper.

I often just chuck a tablespoon or two into 2 - 3 litres of hot water and put some in each bottle and shake ( if doing 6 bottles) , if I am doing more I make up a similar strength solution in a bucket and sink the bottles. I don't measure it, just stick my hand in the water and it feels soapy when there is enough. The pack does give you some strength guidelines if needed as I do occasionally do strong solutions for grubby bottles.
This is my attempt at my bottle steraliser which i posted earlier :thumb:
Hey Eddie, you don't want to leave that sat there.. it's going to make a fair bit of mess.



That looks like a great bit of kit by the way!
31bb3 said:
This is my attempt at my bottle steraliser which i posted earlier :thumb:

:thumb: That's the one, thanks Eddie. I will be making one of those very soon, right now I'm just steaming bottles individually. :cheers:
My question really is would it be ok to use only a steriliser just prior to use, I was going to use diluted videne, spray it into the bottles swirl and empty.
Yes, that's sort of how I do it. I simply put 10 or 20mls into each bottle with a funnel, swirl and empty.
If using steam it's well worth checking the bottles for bubbles in the glass as if present it can cause the bottles to crack. If the steam is sprayed onto a concentrated area, ie, one hole onto the base of the bottle it can also cause the bottle to crack, so well worth having several holes like 31bb3 :thumb:
31bb3 What type of wallpaper stripper was that, and what fitting size connected the stripper to your rig?
The wallpaper stripper is a earlex from argos
The compression fitting is a 15 mm reduced to 10mm hope this helps the only snag is it doesnt screw right down tight on the tube but it doesnt leak and ive used it numerous times
Cheers m8,

I am Planning a slightly more advanced version for me beer bottles and was wondering about going down the 10mm microbore route, rather than the 15mm pipe version, and the reduction to 10mm to fit the steamer is useful info to have!!

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