Thats what it is!I can find two versions on a search...the 40 pint is 4.3% and the 32 pint is 6.2%.
If you're taking your hydrometer reading from tue top of yhe bucket, is it possible you didn't stir well enough? I've had that before where the wort is more 'sugary' at the bottom becuase I didn't adequately stir the hot water (6 pints of it I think) with the liquid malt extract before adding the rest of the cold water then again failing to adequately stir. I'm pretty sure I ended up with a lower sg than expected due to taking the reading from the top of the bucket.
Not sure how folk got on with this kit but after a few weeks of conditioning I was really disappointed with the final result.
For me the balance is totally off, the ash nose and the almost fake toffee taste make for a poor beer.
I gave it a couple of weeks more but no better, so much so that I tipped it!
I have to agree, although my attempt was somewhat more dilute than it should have been, but I also found the balance poor too. For me it was too woody and I didn't get much sweetness, it was all Bonfire and no Toffee! There was also very little else going on, particularly for a stout.
I thought it might be nice to try the kit made to the correct quantity (i.e. 30 pints rather than the 35 I accidently made it too) and I'd only use half the sachet of oak chips (that would be plenty), and also I'd add in some hops to broaden the flavour and maybe some lactose to increase the sweetness. But on reflection, and based on the views of those who have made it properly, I don't think I'll bother, I'll try something else. :-)