I have attempted to make a black IPA with 3.5k of MO 200g of Carafe special 111 and 225g of chocalate.
It is still fermenting but has a slight mild porter taste. So how do I get a reasonably black IPA and keep it neutral in taste hence not the coffee chocolate taste albeit mild.I needs grains that are readily available in the UK. The Carafe was de-husked so I thought it might help without throwing too much of a strong flavour
Your help is grateful or a tried and tested recipe Ps it needs to be at session abv
I have attempted to make a black IPA with 3.5k of MO 200g of Carafe special 111 and 225g of chocalate.
It is still fermenting but has a slight mild porter taste. So how do I get a reasonably black IPA and keep it neutral in taste hence not the coffee chocolate taste albeit mild.I needs grains that are readily available in the UK. The Carafe was de-husked so I thought it might help without throwing too much of a strong flavour
Your help is grateful or a tried and tested recipe Ps it needs to be at session abv