Black Friday my arse...
+1 Malt Miller for Grainfather with Wortometer (what the hell is one of them?). Price dropped by £10 too? £590 including VAT until Monday (there are those who "neglect" to add VAT until later - I'm surprised to see this trick still in use and it does not endear me to the perpetrators). Could be tempted myself, I've always been jealous of folk brewing 20L lengths when the smallest I can do is 40L (and my brewery is "broken" at moment so ain't brewing nowt). 40L isn't convenient for a "test" run.
I caved in! So I will be able to do 20L (10L?) batches from hereon. From Malt-Miller with micro pipework (for 10L batches?) and a Fermentasaurus to work with it (starter kit, "sale price" but I don't think anything to do with "Black Friday"? - Sale still on until … gawd knows when).... Could be tempted myself, ...
Sale over now, but not before I swapped the Fermentasaurus thingy for the Grainfather conical. More extravagance. but the Fermentasaurus is only going to last until I forget myself and fill it with too hot water. And those Grainfather conicals look very flashy with their integral temperature control and cleverly combined dump/racking valve. It supposed to be a "test batch setup" so it really needed to mirror the features on the "production setup". So I have (according to my partner) a "pico brewery" to go with my "nano brewery". Saves me trying to modify the "production" brewery to cope with 20L batches.... and a Fermentasaurus to work with it ...
If it makes you feel better … The price was reduced by £10 because they ran out of "Wortometers".Bugger.
If it makes you feel better … The price was reduced by £10 because they ran out of "Wortometers".
Sale over now, but not before I swapped the Fermentasaurus thingy for the Grainfather conical. More extravagance. but the Fermentasaurus is only going to last until I forget myself and fill it with too hot water. And those Grainfather conicals look very flashy with their integral temperature control and cleverly combined dump/racking valve. It supposed to be a "test batch setup" so it really needed to mirror the features on the "production setup". So I have (according to my partner) a "pico brewery" to go with my "nano brewery". Saves me trying to modify the "production" brewery to cope with 20L batches.
Jealous? All paid for out of my personal injury insurance pay-out, so if you are jealous I suggest accidentally beating your brains out. What? Not jealous anymore?
Nope. Neither do I "cold crash" (that idea is already starting to make me come out in a rash). But I cool my "production" fermenter with the python lines from a shelf cooler (water not glycol) which happily keeps a 75L batch under control when fermenting (just 5-6 wraps of PVC hose), and will cool it to 12-14C at the end of fermentation no bother, so it shouldn't have any trouble with a 20-25L Grainfather fermenter with its snazzy built-in cooling collar.Do you have a chiller for the Grainfather conical?