Bit of a rant

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Jun 10, 2019
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on the island
Do the folks in power expect me to take climate change seriously, short answer is no i won't. Just done a completely random google
Does Poland still mine coal?

Poland also remains the largest producer of coal in the EU, and accounts for nearly 97 per cent of 'hard coal' mining in the entire bloc. Its schedule to close down its remaining mines is due to be completed only in 2049. In the EU, Poland is second only to Germany and Italy in terms of total annual emissions.27 Sept 2023. How the feck is the EU going to be carbon neutral by 2050 mean while over in India

India Coal​

Summary Table​

i have one life and i am going to live it how i want, if they want me to take seriously what they say they better start being serious with these countrys and that includes China. right rant over time for a beer while i watch utd beat city
TonsGlobal Rank
107,726,551,7005th in the world
761,662,0382nd in the world
966,288,6932nd in the world
Yearly Deficit​
Coal Imports​
Coal Exports​
Global warming is a joke rod. In Ireland they have banned coal that smokes and also turf. Turf has heated homes in Ireland since leprechauns walked amongst us. They have also banned burning wood that is not below an acceptable moisture content.
The Green Party formed a coalition with the other shower of lying bassards and the laws they are bring in are shocking. There is talk of culling cows because they fart. JESUS.
The thing is because our rulers are forever being caught out as scheming liars its hard to believe anything they say. Twenty mph being a classic.
It's legalised theft.
totally agree.

but also politicians are not experts and are briefed (conned or pursuaded) by advisors who may have their own anti-public agenda
The thing is because our rulers are forever being caught out as scheming liars its hard to believe anything they say. Twenty mph being a classic.
It's legalised theft.
And therein lies the problem: they are not your rulers, they are the government you voted in to govern the country on your behalf. They have no right to gobern unless you give them that right. If enough of you are dissatisfied with their performance you can kick them out, and no, you don't have to wait for an election.

Of course they have forgotten that. They've forgotten it because you've forgotten it.

And don't expect Starmer to be a great deal better.

Really, people. If you can't take an interested in who you've got governing your country on your behalf then you don't deserve democracy!
I will vote in the next GE this time as unlike in the last I think this time we can get this lot out, we need a change time will tell whether that change makes a huge difference to our lives or not all I know is we cannot let this lot have another 5 years.
If you dont vote you cant complain when they screw you over !

The system is all wrong , but it wont change as the turkeys wont vote for christmas.

The people need to have the power to sack their MP, between elections, If they fail to support their electorate. The current system has no solid threat to them or their pensions onece elected.

This party whip thing needs sorting, MP's have to blindly follow the whip, or be sacked from the party, even if it goes against the needs of their constituents is wrong.

The lobbying system needs sorting, its not right that MP's and party policy can be bought by big industry

MP's and parties need to be held criminaly accountable for their decisions and actions. We can all see decisions where personal gain has trumped national need.

The press need to be released from the grip of media moguls who control government through the "Party donor" system and can swing an election by demionising the party they dont want in power.
Shame on anyone here or elsewhere who can't be bothered to get off his / her 'arris and vote. Not voting isn't a statement, it's an abdication of responsibility as a citizen. The main parties are the same; they've never been so similar, and as for the Lib Dems, I've no idea what they stand for as they don't seem to want to be in the race.
What about the little parties and the independents? What about the Greens or even the Monster Raving Loonies? These guys never get a look in because, in a two or three-horse race, voting for an outsider can appear a waste of time, but it isn't. If an unheard of outsider comes second or third, that IS a statement and who knows, if enough people are disillusioned enough they might even get a few seats.
The Rochdale by-election returned George Galloway. Excellent. I'm not a fan, but he hates Sunak and the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I doubt he'll keep his seat in the General Election, when there's a proper Labour Candidate, but, in the meantime, let him wreak as much havoc as he can.
So to the crusty old sods who think it's OK to whinge and moan, but can't quite make it to the polling station, clear off to Russia or Pakistan or some like country where your consciences will be clear as your vote won't count anyway.
If you dont vote you cant complain when they screw you over !

The system is all wrong , but it wont change as the turkeys wont vote for christmas.

The people need to have the power to sack their MP, between elections, If they fail to support their electorate. The current system has no solid threat to them or their pensions onece elected.

This party whip thing needs sorting, MP's have to blindly follow the whip, or be sacked from the party, even if it goes against the needs of their constituents is wrong.

The lobbying system needs sorting, its not right that MP's and party policy can be bought by big industry

MP's and parties need to be held criminaly accountable for their decisions and actions. We can all see decisions where personal gain has trumped national need.

The press need to be released from the grip of media moguls who control government through the "Party donor" system and can swing an election by demionising the party they dont want in power.
Yeah. We need a reform party, but DEFINITELY NOT The Reform Party.
This is very sad. You might argue with the effectiveness or fairness of the way governments try to deal with the issue, but climate change is not a joke. Very far from it.

It is also sad that people believe that nothing changes, they are all the same, etc. You might not be impressed by Starmer, but I find it hard to imagine a different government could be as bad as this one.

NHS waiting lists - just one example of how governments change things: