Best hops needed?

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Feb 27, 2014
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Hi guys as you can see i am new on here, and new to brewing beer, my question is whats the best hops to use for a good English Golden Pale Ale, as this is going to be my thirst go at the brewing quest?

Thanks in advance :cheers:
Any nice traditional English varieties!

For me Challenger is the best for bittering and East Kent Golding for flavour and aroma additions for a refreshing spring/summer ale.

Lean a bit more toward Fuggle for those Autumn evening warming ones...
They are not English but Styrian Goldings are used in many English hoppy ales and are great. Any two from Fuggles, Goldings and Styrian Goldings, or all three, would provide a typical English pale ale hop flavour. Challenger too, which is used a lot for bittering, but also for flavour and aroma. And First Gold is a great British hop, used a lot now in pale ales.
calumscott said:
For me Challenger is the best for bittering and East Kent Golding for flavour and aroma additions for a refreshing spring/summer ale.

Well Calum, I'm feeling a bit smug :) my last brew used :-

Challenger ...............50g
East Kent Golding .... 30g
Citra ............... dry hop
As I aim for maltiness over hoppiness, I find fuggles dont overpower the malt flavour but give a lovely flavour. I find some craft beers so hoppy they are positively sour..
I love a challenger *anything* combo! Even my APAs get bittered with Challenger. It's the unsung hero of good beer, the graceful Shirehorse-powerhouse of bittering...
Northdown don't get much publicity. I find this odd, it's a great, British, all-purpose hop. :thumb:
Hi guys

Many thanks for all your suggestions, really appreciate them as i am a first timer at this.

I will go for the goldings and fuggles i think.

Thanks again. :cheers: