Best brewing phone/tablet apps.

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Active Member
Jan 13, 2012
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Was just wanting to know peoples views on the best apps out there for designing recipes that are quite detailed. I am currently using BrewR which is good, but not as detailed as some of the PC software that people seem to be using on the forum. I have an android phone. Are many people on the forum using apps?

Thanks in advance.
I've got Brewing Assistant for Android, it's OK - good enough to knock up a recipe. Prefer desktop software, though.
The guy behind BeerSmith tells me that he's working on a full version for the iPad...

FWIW, I have desktop BeerSmith for recipe building and the iPad app for my brewday and it works for me. :thumb:
Thanks everyone. I have been happy using BrewR, great timer function etc. Was just hoping there would be an equivalent app to the PC based software.