best brew of 2008

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Nov 1, 2008
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with 2008 drawing to a close this is a good time to reflect on your brewing successes and share them with everyone, go on, show-off or swell with pride .... what has been your single most successful or pleasing brew.

Mine is the blackberry wine that came from the huge sweet juicy berries from the bottom of our garden. Flavour, clarity, colour, balance & strength all pleased me enormously, on the down side there was only a gallon.
DP 1837 IPA. Untill i brewed this i never really brewed a decent pint. I thought it was good but drinking the DP IPA made me realise what Ale COULD taste like. My 1837 IPA was barnstormingly good. The Simonds Bitter is really good too-at 5 days old... :roll:
I'd have to say my turbo cider :lol: (thanks brewstew)

Reason being its only one of a few brews I've completed as I've only just started the tail and of this year.. and it tasted a darn site better than I ever thaught!
no worries crE :D (love the avatar btw :cool: )

Mine for me has still got to be my Rauchbier recipe. it's the one recipe i've got absolutely no worries handing out to people to try and i've had nothing but praise from the 40 or so people that have now tried it :drink:
check out my tc thread :drunk: :lol:

i'm still tryna find a cheaper source of apple concentrate, and when i do... i'll be posting it for all to enjoy cos i dont think i'll ever manage to make a better cider without pressing apples :D
it'll be one i try next year for sure, by the way any thoughts on corking bottles of sparkling cider? corks & cider ... do they mix?
the only advantage is that we have champagne type bottles in the house and they are free :D well that and they are bigger so less time spent fussing over sterilising smaller bottles etc.
Have a go P. Let us know if it works. I think it'd be cool to 'pop' open a nice champagne bottle of cider on a hot day. Like today for instance-it's 22C already with clear blue skies and only 8am. Plus you can put the bottle in an ice bucket to keep the contents chilled and pretend to be all swanky. :cool:
i think i'll end up with a variety of bottles, so will let you know how it works out. reckon i'll try to find plastic champagne style stoppers so i can avoid the potential issue of keeping the cork wet (lying the bottle down) and keeping sediment outta the drink when its popped open.
MEB said:
DP 1837 IPA. Untill i brewed this i never really brewed a decent pint. I thought it was good but drinking the DP IPA made me realise what Ale COULD taste like. My 1837 IPA was barnstormingly good. The Simonds Bitter is really good too-at 5 days old... :roll:
I have a copy of the DP book revised 2003 addition but can't see 1837 IPA in the book (does it have another name in this addition ?)The Simonds Bitter is here though what did you use for the pale amber malt did you make it in your oven.
nice to see beer, cider and wine all represented.

surely someone's best brew of 2008 was a kit; wine, beer or cider, roll up and tell us about it.
anything brewed at home is good in this thread.

There are many gems of kits, recipes and methods out there, a small selection of the best of the best here may inspire others to try the same, especially if that excellent brew happened some months ago and only you remember it.
Most consistently tasty brews
Lucky7 and Jolly Roger

Best Newcomer
Alfred's Pale Ale Cascade and Aurora goodness

Most promising Brew
Last Exit Pilsner - not quite there yet but this will be getting brewed again with a couple of modifications.
Rabmaxwell said:
MEB said:
DP 1837 IPA. Untill i brewed this i never really brewed a decent pint. I thought it was good but drinking the DP IPA made me realise what Ale COULD taste like. My 1837 IPA was barnstormingly good. The Simonds Bitter is really good too-at 5 days old... :roll:
I have a copy of the DP book revised 2003 addition but can't see 1837 IPA in the book (does it have another name in this addition ?)The Simonds Bitter is here though what did you use for the pale amber malt did you make it in your oven.

I got the recipe from here

I get Amber Malt from Brewers Coop in Auckland, so i used that. Although i'd love to have a go at making some in the oven. Any idea's how Rab?