Has anyone out there got any experience of using fruit concentrates in cider recipes, and i dont mean the type on the shelves in supermarkets lowickz or whatever it is, im on about the types that would be used in food production. I have contacted a company that sell them and have been assured they contain zero sugars or sweeteners just super concentrate flavours.
The reason i ask is that im tired of tryin to get close to the likes of bulmers no17 and koppaberg etc without success. My plan would be to just make a good apple turbo cider and when bottling adding my own blend of fruit concentrayes that wont ferment. I.E strawberry, raspberry, blackberry.
Any imput would be greatly appreciated!
The reason i ask is that im tired of tryin to get close to the likes of bulmers no17 and koppaberg etc without success. My plan would be to just make a good apple turbo cider and when bottling adding my own blend of fruit concentrayes that wont ferment. I.E strawberry, raspberry, blackberry.
Any imput would be greatly appreciated!