Belguim blonde

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2022
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Hi there has anyone got a close recipee for brugse zot blond
Or duvel

Was gona make a duvel but iv got 2 packs of m41 yeast laying about and fancy a crack at zot or somthing between zot and duvel . Will this yeast be ok .
Gona order with malt miller this week for a easter brewday
For Duvel, the M41 is good, because it finishes really low. Use a combination of Pilsner malt, wheat malt and 10% white sugar (sucrose). This is for the colour. Bitter to 30-33 IBU with noble hops (or EKG).

The impression I got from Brugse Zot, is that it does not attenuate so low as Duvel, and that the M41 is not suited for a Brugse Zot clone. There is also the fact that Brugse Zot has a clove like character (that is my impression), so you should use a POF+ yeast.
Is the malt miller one for normal zot tho not the blonde one .
Would mouterij dingermans pilsner be a good base malt where its belguim pilsner .
I do a step Hochkurz mash with my beers and get ok head but was looking at chit malt at 5% for more foam always seam to shy away from wheat malt as been told dont age well whats needed for belguims

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