Belgian dubbel/brun recipe recommendations

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May 17, 2021
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Hi - I have made the step from kit brewing to extract and have made a Bière de Garde and a London Pride clone. I also like Belgian dubbels like Leffe Brun or Brugse Zot brun but am struggling to find a recipe. Lots of Belgian pale ones, but dubbels seem quite rare and usually all grain. Any tips please? Thanks!
Whether extract or AG, the fundamentally the difference between pales and dubbels is the sugar used to get the colour and dried fruit flavours. Use a Belgian Blonde Recipe and swap the sugar for dark candy syrup and you'll be there. Perhaps, 85% Pilsner Malt Extract and 15% Dark Candy Syrup to the desired OG.
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Whether extract or AG, the fundamentally the difference between pales and dubbels is the sugar used to get the colour and dried fruit flavours. Use a Belgian Blonde Recipe and swap the sugar for dark candy syrup and you'll be there. Perhaps, 85% Pilsner Malt Extract and 15% Dark Candy Syrup to the desired OG.
Ah thanks for that. Will try that.
My Leffe Brun Recipe 22 litres
3500g Lager malt
1000g Munich light
1000g Abbey malt
300g Special B
250g Brown sugar
275g Golden syrup
15g Northern brewer @60m
25g EKG @15m
25g Saaz @5m (I will move these to a 20m hopstand @85C next time)
MJ M47 yeast @22C
OG 1064
FG 1008
ABV 7.35%
IBU 20
SRM 14
My Leffe Brun Recipe 22 litres
3500g Lager malt
1000g Munich light
1000g Abbey malt
300g Special B
250g Brown sugar
275g Golden syrup
15g Northern brewer @60m
25g EKG @15m
25g Saaz @5m (I will move these to a 20m hopstand @85C next time)
MJ M47 yeast @22C
OG 1064
FG 1008
ABV 7.35%
IBU 20
SRM 14
My Leffe Brun Recipe 22 litres
3500g Lager malt
1000g Munich light
1000g Abbey malt
300g Special B
250g Brown sugar
275g Golden syrup
15g Northern brewer @60m
25g EKG @15m
25g Saaz @5m (I will move these to a 20m hopstand @85C next time)
MJ M47 yeast @22C
OG 1064
FG 1008
ABV 7.35%
IBU 20
SRM 14

I have been looking for a Brun recipe to. I have recently bought a Brewster beacon and have done x1 recipe. How would I calculate the water needed for this?

There’s 5.5 kg of grain so is it as simple as 22 litres + 5.5L. Then a sparge calculation (again, somehow?)
Hi - I have made the step from kit brewing to extract and have made a Bière de Garde and a London Pride clone. I also like Belgian dubbels like Leffe Brun or Brugse Zot brun but am struggling to find a recipe. Lots of Belgian pale ones, but dubbels seem quite rare and usually all grain. Any tips please? Thanks!

The Dubbel from Greg Hughes book was excellent. although I changed the yeast to, IIRC, Wyeast Belgian high gravity ale I think. Its a solid recipe though
Sorry to re visit. When do you add the sugar and syrup? Into the fermentation bucket?
Graham Wheeler devised a fiendishly simple recipe for Westmalle Dubbel. I brewed it and it was great. I used Lallemand Abbaye yeast, ideal for a Dubbel. Just replace the lager malt with extra light DME and it's an easy extract recipe. A classic Dubbel.

Ingredients are for a 25 litre batch. I halved it.

Extra Light DME 3.9kg
Chocolate malt (steep) - 155 grams
White sucrose - 300 grams

Start of Boil
Styrian Golding Hops - 10 grams
Saaz - 20 grams
Tettnang - 15 grams

Mash Schedule (for all grain)
50 degrees C - 30 mins
66 degrees C - 60 mins

OG - 1064
FG - 1013
Alcohol content - 6.8%
Bitterness - 20 EBU
Colour - 55 EBC
Whether extract or AG, the fundamentally the difference between pales and dubbels is the sugar used to get the colour and dried fruit flavours. Use a Belgian Blonde Recipe and swap the sugar for dark candy syrup and you'll be there. Perhaps, 85% Pilsner Malt Extract and 15% Dark Candy Syrup to the desired OG
I have ingredients for a Brugse Zot blond which I had intended to make as a dubbel. Forgot to order dark candi sugar. Anyone recommend a reasonable substitute? I now routinely substitute golden syrup for clear candi syrup as its much cheaper and does the same thing. Have no idea for dark candi substitute however.
Of what is available in the supermarket, one or a combination of dk muscavado, demarera and date sugar.