Beginner Brewer - I need some suggestions pls

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Connaire Devine

New Member
Aug 17, 2024
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So below is gonna be my ingredients and method I was using ChatGPT to organise it and myself so I can get this right. I just want to ask here from the broad range of experience if anyone sees any issues with this or even improvements on what I already have. Thanks in advance for any advice given!

### **Ingredients:**

- **Coopers Mexican Cerveza Kit**

- **Coopers Beer Enhancer 2** (500g dextrose + 250g maltodextrin + 250g light dry malt)

- **500g Light Dry Malt Extract (DME)**

- **50g Saaz Hops**

- **50g Hallertau Hops**

- **Saflager W-34/70 Yeast**

- **Irish Moss Finings**

- **Priming Sugar** (for bottling)

### **Equipment:**

- **Chest Freezer with Inkbird Temperature Controller**

- **Fermenter**

- **Bottling Equipment** (bottles, caps, capper)

- **Wort Chiller (optional)**

- **Strainer or Fine Mesh (for hop tea)**

- **Hop Tea Setup** (pot for boiling, water, strainer)

### **Brewing Process:**

#### **1. Preparation:**

- **Clean and Sanitize**: Ensure all your equipment is thoroughly cleaned and sanitized to avoid contamination.

#### **2. Making the Wort:**

1. **Steeping the Hops:**

- **Hop Tea Preparation**: Boil 30g of Saaz and 30g of Hallertau hops in 1 liter of water for 20 minutes. This creates a hop tea that will add aroma and flavor without the hop particles. After boiling, strain the hop tea to remove the hop particles.

- **Cooling**: Allow the hop tea to cool to room temperature.

2. **Brewing the Wort:**

- **Boil Water**: Heat 2-3 liters of water in a large pot.

- **Add Malt Extract**: Dissolve the 500g of Light DME in the boiling water, stirring constantly.

- **Add Hop Tea**: Add the cooled hop tea to the pot.

- **Mix Ingredients**: Pour the wort into your fermenter, adding the Coopers Mexican Cerveza Kit and Coopers Beer Enhancer 2. Stir well to dissolve all ingredients.

#### **3. Preparing for Fermentation:**

1. **Top Up**: Add water to the fermenter to reach the total volume recommended (usually 23 liters).

2. **Adjust Temperature**: Set your Inkbird temperature controller to maintain a fermentation temperature of 10-13°C (50-55°F).

3. **Pitch the Yeast:**

- **Rehydrate the Yeast**: Follow the instructions on the Saflager W-34/70 package. Typically, rehydrate the yeast in a small amount of warm water (about 30°C or 86°F) for 15 minutes.

- **Pitch Yeast**: Add the rehydrated yeast to the fermenter and gently mix.

#### **4. Fermentation:**

1. **Primary Fermentation**:

- Ferment at 10-13°C (50-55°F) for 2-3 weeks. This temperature range helps to produce a clean, lager-like profile.

#### **5. Cold Crashing and Clarification:**

1. **Cold Crash**:

- After primary fermentation is complete, lower the temperature of the beer to near freezing (0-4°C or 32-39°F) and let it sit for 2-3 days. This helps to drop out yeast and hop particles, improving clarity.

2. **Irish Moss Finings** (Optional):

- If you want extra clarity, you can add Irish Moss during the last 10 minutes of the boil when making hop tea. Since you didn't boil the hops in the main wort, you can skip this step, but it’s beneficial if you want extra clarity.

#### **6. Bottling:**

1. **Priming Sugar**:

- Dissolve priming sugar in boiling water (about 6-8 grams per liter of beer). Let it cool, then mix it into the beer before bottling. This ensures carbonation.

2. **Bottle**:

- Bottle the beer, ensuring that bottles and caps are sanitized. Cap the bottles securely.

#### **7. Conditioning:**

1. **Carbonation**:

- Allow the bottles to carbonate at room temperature (20°C or 68°F) for 2 weeks.

2. **Final Lagering**:

- For optimal flavor, store the bottles at a cold temperature (near freezing) for an additional 2-4 weeks. This further improves clarity and smoothness.
The Coopers Kits are all bittered to about the bittering of a lager, so I would do the hop tea by adding water at 65C and leaving it to cool. I use a Cafetiere thing for making coffee and it takes a while to cool down.
Other than that, good luck! All will be well whichever way you do it, but your suggested boiling of the hops might be a little bitter.
Any professional brewers out there will be pleased to see AI isn't going to replace them any time soon😁

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