Beer finings

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Junior Member
Sep 8, 2014
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What's the quickest way / product clear a pale ale, I've been using Harris beer bright after 24 hrs cold crash @ 4 degrees, but some brews have taken 6 weeks to clear properly any advice?
I always put a whirlfloc tablet in the wort, 15 minutes before the end of the boil. Works for me. Other things are Irish Moss (sea weed derivative) or Isinglass (from fishes swim bladders - I know of at least one brewery who won't use this so they can claim their beer is vegan friendly....).
Mash management also helps - when sparging recirculate the first runnings back into the mash until you can get clear wort, then fill your kettle. Hop strainers in your boiler, and don't try and get every last drop into your fermentation vessel. When bottling/kegging, make sure the end of your syphon stays out of the trub - again don't try and get every last bit out. You can also add gelatine, but I've never done that - if my beer ends up cloudy I use my pewter tankard.....
I went on a brewing course and they used auxillary finings to help clear the beer for commercial purposes. These silicate based products give the proteins a negative charge and help to clear the beer quickly.They can be used in conjunction with isinglass for a cask or used on their own for bottling.
I add about 85 ml to a 25 litre batch once fermentation is over and temp reduced to about 14°C. It certainly helps to clear the proteins quickly and after cooling for 4- 5 days the beer will be ready for bottling.
Look at Murphys or Home -Brew- shop for auxillary finings, they need to be used within about 3 months of purchase so don't buy in bulk.