Beer Amazing and then Boring

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Active Member
Jan 5, 2014
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I brewed a best bitter of about 4%abv (all grain). It spent 12 days in the primary at 22 Celsius, and was then racked into 3x 5 gallon pressure barrels with about 80g of brewing sugar added to each (in filtered and boiled water). The beer was left to condition at 22 Celsius in the barrels.

After 9 days conditioning at 22 Celcius I got tempted and tried a little. It was literally the best beer I ever tasted, and carbonation was perfect. I chilled it down to 13 Celsius that evening and over the next 3 evenings between myself and friends we polished off the entire barrel.

This first barrel tasted absolutely stunning. I placed a second barrel in the fridge (set to 13 Celsius) last night to chill it down (this barrel had 3 more days conditioning at 22 Celsius compared to the first barrel).

I tasted a sample from the second barrel today, and to my absolute horror it was boring. It was lacking aroma and if anything had a slightly bad flavour which I struggle to describe (not off tasting, just a little sour maybe and boring).

All three barrels are identical and have been washed and sanitised in an identical manner.

Is it likely that the beer is ruined?

To make it worse I tried a little of barrel 3 just now, and it is unfortunately the same as the second.

Is this likely to be an infection?

After 9 days conditioning it was great, but now after 3 more days tastes poor. Is it likely to improve after a couple of weeks?

Any ideas would be much appreciated.
