Beating the smoking ban with a big (electronic) stick!

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took my super-mini into work today. only got the one cart left, the no nic one... but took it in to demonstrate it and get my colleagues approval.

all of them commented on how weird it is that they see the smoke but dont smell it :D

it's been approved and i'm allowed to use it at work :thumb:

just need the delivery of the 901 and ejuice to turn up now and i shouldn't be needing to venture outside into the cold as often :D
right! i've had my check up, and as usual my doc was well surprised with my peak flow reading of 750 l/min :cool: but i had just taken my inhaler at the time which does throw off the reading so she made me do it again 30 mins later :oops: but it came out a respectable 650 l/min.

to those of you that aren't asthmatic, its a pipe you blow down as hard as you can and it measures how much you blew. no one ever gets above 800, and my ideal l/min for my weight and height is 620... so i'm above average anyways and always have been even though i'm a smoker ;)

i asked her about how she and i can monitor me while i use the e-cig and she said that basically all she can do is prescribe me my own peak flow meter. so i've got a rather menacing looking dildo shaped bit of plastic sat on my desk, and will take some recordings for all to see how this thing affects me.... in the name of science of course ;)

apparently your flow rate is lower in the mornings than the evenings, and taking my inhaler will affect the test up to 30 mins afterwards... so what i propose to do, is two tests in the am before and after my inhaler dose, and again in the evening... and also write down how many real cigs i smoked that day. hopefully if all goes to plan, my peak flow should rise the fewer real cigs i smoke. if it has no noticable affect, then i know the e-cig is no better or worse for me than real cigs (in terms of breathing ability of course ;))... and if it gets worse, or i'm noticing i'm taking my releaver inhaler more, then we know it's not so good!

jobs a goodun' :D

the 901 should hopefully arrive tomorrow, so i shall begin recording data and get back to you in 7 days, but will review the 901 much sooner of course :)
the 901's arrived :party:

first impressions are good... not quite as cigarette looking though. no bands on the battery and the mouth piece is a big giveaway. the mouth piece does feel better in the mouth though. it's shaped like the mouthpiece of a pipe.

that batteries didnt come fully charged, so i cant comment on them just yet.

i have however bought my super mini to work with me, and topped off the cart with the 36mg "555" ejuice, and that's smoking alot better with good throat hit. i also had to stop puffing on it cos i could feel the nicotine starting to hit... so that's even better news ;)

more info to follow on the 901's when the batteries are charged ;)
OHHHHH YESH (said in the churchill dogs accent)

managed to find a fully charged 901 battery out of the four (i ordered two extra and a spare atomizer, so i've actually got two working 901's :D)

i just had my first head-rush for flippin years. i'd better go easy on this one hehehe :D
with just a couple of primer puffs my vision of the monitor was nicely clouded. and the exhale was reassuring too. this is definitely the kiddy for heavy smokers!!

the 36mg ejuice is also the kiddy... on inhale i get a really good throat hit, and can really feel it enter the lungs... id say its much like the real thing. still very clean too. i've gotta be carefull not to take too bigger drag (just like a real cig) cos it hits hard and made me cough.

i'm finding it strange that the claims say the batteries for the 901's last longer because they're exactly the same size physically as the super mini. they must have a different rating or something... but without testing it till it's dead, i cant say. at the moment i'm topping off the carts with 555 ejuice when they seem to be running dry, but i'll do a cartridge and battery life test over the course of the day :)
nearly three hours in, and i've missed three real cigs already.

i'm also noticing that i'm not puffing the 901 e-cig as frequently as i did with the super-mini with the lower mg nicotine. i reckon i'm having 3 or 4 puffs every 30 mins or so... so i reckon this baby will last a while. i've not yet ran the cart dry either. if this were the super mini, with 18mg carts, i'd be 6 carts down by now :shock:

this is seriously getting my thumbs up :D

there is just one difference though, not a complaint, but a difference between the 901 and the Super mini, it "hisses" a bit louder than the SM when draggign on it. it also, weirdly, tastes a bit harsher than the SM. but i'm putting that down to some residual 18mg ejuice of a different flavour being left in the cart when i topped it off to start the 36mg, the SM's cart was pretty much dry when i topped it off.

the smoke difference is phenomenol ... the 901 beats the SM hands down so far ;)
Great update - thanks for the info :thumb:

I think we need a smoking emoticon ;)
Like these?


ok i've been smoking this thing since about 10.30 ish and i'm still on my first battery :shock: a major improvement. but this could attribute to me not puffing on it constantly because i'm getting my fix. i'm finding 5 or 6 puffs are sorting me out, then i'm good for another half hour or so.

i've decided not to bother opening new cartridges when one's run out... instead i've recorded how many times i've "topped it off" as the e-smokers call it.. each time its run dry i've added 3 drops of ejuice to the cart, making it pretty much as full as factory filled, and i've had to do this only 4 times so far today. so if by what people saying on the e-cig forum is true, i've got another two top ups before my battery dies. i have however smoked 6 real cigs so far today, 3 of those were before the 901 arrived, two were in my lunchbreak when i could get away from the pc and one just before i left for home cos i'd finished my paperwork.. so this is a noticeable drop in tobacco (the nasty stuff) intake :thumb:

to the folks thinking of getting the super-mini, seriously, dont. i had a dry cart that i topped off with the same ejuice (555 flavour) as what i've been using in the 901 and compared taste, smoke, throat hit, chest feel, and craving reduction, all were alot less than the 901. yes the SM's look sexy, and looks more like a real cig, but do you REALLY want this? afterall, if your going to a pub, you dont want people confusing it for the real thing otherwise it defeats the object!

the super mini is officially being set aside, and the 901's taking the lead role. especially as i can prolly get away with taking only the complete e-cig (with no spares) and my bottle of ejuice to work, without the need to carry batteries and carts. it fits perfectly in the shirt pocket and really doesnt look like an oversized *** if you hold it a bit further down ;)
I've only just this second started my second battery!!! :shock: so the battery in this lasts a good day at least :thumb: i've also found i'm topping up the carts on average, six times a day.

but best of all, i've been smoking less than 7 cigs a day on average, and my peak flow has risen from a 650 l/min average to a 750... i actually managed to overshoot 800 on one go after taking my regular inhaler dose :shock:

i'll still post my findings after a week, but seriously this is the kiddy! dont faff with the super minis even if you're a light smoker... the 901's are badass :twisted:
I got my 901 today. Will post later when I get a chance to try it :)
I got the Totally Wicked ejuice - menthol flavoured as I usually smoke menthols.

Not tried it out yet - I only really smoke in the evenings but I might give it a try this afternoon ;)
cool! let me know what it's like cos i'm finding the 555 a bit harsh for my tastes.

did you go 36mg? or lower?
I went for medium - 14mg - as I smoke marlborough lights/menthols - even the medium might give me a head rush ;)
while i'm getting used to and beginning to like the 555 ejuice (much like when you change brands of ciggarettes) i've gone an ordered two more, the Minty Menthol and the Virginia... menthol for the missus, cos she like the e-cig but finds the 555 too harsh as she smokes richmond menthol. and virginia for me as i do normally smoke golden virginia. both in 36mg, oh and i got a usb charger and another spare atomiser as i dont really want to be mixing the ejuices between the two i've already got ;) so i'll actually have a total of three 901's in a day or two :lol:

JV, you didnt get back.... it didn't disagree with you did it? :|
My tobacco has gone in the bin cos i've just got my two new ejuices, and i love them!

the mint is really nice actually, i think the mrs will love it!... but the virginia... oh it's a lovely flavour... very similar to the real thing but sweeter and more mellow.

the 555 juice is definitely being put on the shelf for emergency uses... i thought it was harsh on the throat because of the nic content, but nope! it's the flavour... both the mint and the virginia have no harsh throat hit, they're lovely :thumb:

i've not smoked tobacco at all today, and now that i've got these ejuices i dont think i will frequent it for a while!

two thumbs up :thumb: :thumb: