Beardy Weirdies....

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Are you a beardy weirdy?

  • Beard?

  • Weird?

  • Bearded and weird?

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Jan 16, 2010
Reaction score

Inspired by the recent addition to the forum of Beardy Weirdy (and apologies to him in advance), how many of us are beardy weardies? Reading about peoples' experience of beer festivals and the like, accounts often contain references to them being populated by 'beardy weirdies' :roll:

I am .... hate shaving... and errr... ummm .. as for the weird bit ... I.. errrr ummm ... ahhhh


With you on the shaving....................... as for the weird, I refuse to answer on the grounds that, etc, etc :nono:
aneray said:
Totally clean shaven. The missus won't let me anywhere near her otherwise :whistle: .

Me too, however I tend to go with out shaving most of the week. :hmm: :hmm:
jamesb said:
I only shave once or twice a week; I'm lazy. But I couldn't grow a decent beard if I tried.

Same Here, But i try to leave it grow when its cold to keep my face warm :D
iv kept a semi convincing heavy metal beard sins leaving school. 10 years of beardy weirdie :cheers:
Define “weird” ? :wha:

Then again, define “normal” ? :hmm:

I don't think I'm particularly weird, just different :whistle:
Moley said:
just different

That'll do! :D

I consider anyone who chooses to get up every morning and scrape their face with a blade 'weird', hence the lack of any clean-shaven option. :eek:

To kids, all adults seem 'weird' in one way or another. I either get the weird thing from the kids at school, or from my own at home ;)
Wierd and proud . . . Who wants to be average anyway??
I have a beard. Weird? You tell me, then I'll respond :D

btw your poll forces every respondent without a beard to be weird...
Had a beard since I was 14 years old :shock: and have only ever completely shaved it off and that was in my early 20s and I had to shave my tache off for an operation and it looked stupid with a beard and no tache so the lot came off

came out of hospital and several people I have know for years walked past me in the street :D

and I got bl**dy IDed in my local pub!!!!

may trim from time to time but it is terminal at the moment

for those with beards you may want to check out this club :D :D :D
TheMumbler said:
btw your poll forces every respondent without a beard to be weird...

:D see this....

Tony said:
I consider anyone who chooses to get up every morning and scrape their face with a blade 'weird', hence the lack of any clean-shaven option. :eek:

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