BB IPA - which spraymalt?

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Active Member
May 5, 2012
Reaction score
Birmingham, GB
Got a BB IPA to get on the go but i'm unsure which spraymalt is the ideal one. I bought light but i've read that someone used extra light so now i'm unsure what to use. I do have a coopers brew enhancer in my stash?

Any thoughts peeps?

In other news, my Ritchies simply bitter has come along nicely. it tastes fairly good so far :drink:
the light one will be fine or medium you can use dark if you want :D

no problem
Thanks for you input Piddle. Really helpful mate :D

I'm confused.... and stupid. Which one is most suited to an IPA? Should an IPA be extra light, light, or even medium? I can appreciate it's down to taste but for instance you wouldn't use a dark in lager. Unless your mental of course :whistle:
Remember that kits are formulated to give you the right colour with what the ingredients say...

So if you want it to look like it was intended then go as light in colour with the malt as you can. If you're not that bothered, I would say anything up to and including medium will be fine.

I'm using Liquid Extract for pretty much all my ales now because I'm not too bothered if they are a little darker than they should be - the flavour is well worth it IMO. I notice the Malt Miller's liquid extract is "light" at 5-7 EBC...

That said, it's extra light DME for all lager styles to keep them looking lagerey.
ah ha. I get it now :thumb: So the different spraymalts is merely down to colour preference and doesn't have an effect on taste, just mouth feel / body. thanks Calum.

So liquid malt then... is it better quality than the dry stuff? Why does it taste better?
Not just colour but mostly. I assume that the colour comes from mashing different coloured grain and so they will likely have a little more flavour the darker they are.

But really, the big win is in malt flavour and body (rather than any roastiness or chocolate notes) and mouth feel.

If you really want to add those roasty chocolate or other flavours from malt, you would want to steep some special grains and add that with the water to your kit.

For example, I wanted some chocolatey flavours in my kit based RIS so I steeped 300g of chocolate malt and chucked that in...

...even at 10.5% ABV you can taste those roasty, choccy, coffee flavours coming through! :thumb:

This is where kit brewing starts getting really fun! :D

EDIT: missed the question about liquid malt. I'm not sure that it does taste any better TBH. I've just had better success with it so I'm tending to stick to it. All the beers I've done with it have come out really really good. That and the fact that Rob does it at 4.40 per kilo makes it not much more expensive than dried. :thumb:
calumscott said:
Not just colour but mostly. I assume that the colour comes from mashing different coloured grain and so they will likely have a little more flavour the darker they are.

But really, the big win is in malt flavour and body (rather than any roastiness or chocolate notes) and mouth feel.

If you really want to add those roasty chocolate or other flavours from malt, you would want to steep some special grains and add that with the water to your kit.

For example, I wanted some chocolatey flavours in my kit based RIS so I steeped 300g of chocolate malt and chucked that in...

...even at 10.5% ABV you can taste those roasty, choccy, coffee flavours coming through! :thumb:

This is where kit brewing starts getting really fun! :D

EDIT: missed the question about liquid malt. I'm not sure that it does taste any better TBH. I've just had better success with it so I'm tending to stick to it. All the beers I've done with it have come out really really good. That and the fact that Rob does it at 4.40 per kilo makes it not much more expensive than dried. :thumb:

10.5%, thats awesome!! Was that the muntons RIS or your own extract brew? i might try that, i'm yet to begin the joys of dry-hopping and steeping.
I think you and Pearlfisher have converted me to LME. I've got no dry stuff left so i'll give it a go next time to see how i find it.

BTW - The IPA came out fantastic. Initial bottles were slightly yeasty but i'm finding this to be the norm now. After a good 6 weeks they're defo pub standard. This could have been improved further though - I added more malt to give better mouthfeel etc but that brought the hops down slightly i think, so next time i'll b dry hopping this badboy! this'll be a first for me.
Wow, i think i'm actually starting to know what i'm talking about.. this does make a nice change :lol:
Tricky said:
10.5%, thats awesome!! Was that the muntons RIS or your own extract brew?

That was a Muntons Gold Imperial Stout + lots of other stuff and brewed short.

Tricky said:
i might try that, i'm yet to begin the joys of dry-hopping and steeping.
I think you and Pearlfisher have converted me to LME. I've got no dry stuff left so i'll give it a go next time to see how i find it.

Go for it, it really makes the difference to kit beers. If you want to try the stupid RIS clicky. Read down a bit though as the recipe and method changed a bit from the original idea...

...I opened a bottle the other day. Shows real promise!

Tricky said:
BTW - The IPA came out fantastic. Initial bottles were slightly yeasty but i'm finding this to be the norm now. After a good 6 weeks they're defo pub standard. This could have been improved further though - I added more malt to give better mouthfeel etc but that brought the hops down slightly i think, so next time i'll b dry hopping this badboy! this'll be a first for me.
Wow, i think i'm actually starting to know what i'm talking about.. this does make a nice change :lol:

Again, go for it! The two biggest wins in kit brewing for me are LME and dry hopping. Which reminds me, I've got a big bag of fuggle destined for a BB Yorkshire Bitter... :thumb:
calumscott said:
Go for it, it really makes the difference to kit beers. If you want to try the stupid RIS clicky. Read down a bit though as the recipe and method changed a bit from the original idea...

...I opened a bottle the other day. Shows real promise!

I read your thread... It's ridiculously brilliant! Sounds delicous. :thumb:
I'll give that a go in the new year. Make it my first attempt at extract brewing :D . Saying that, not sure if i can wait 12 months before digging in :shock:
calumscott said:
Not just colour but mostly. I assume that the colour comes from mashing different coloured grain and so they will likely have a little more flavour the darker they are.

But really, the big win is in malt flavour and body (rather than any roastiness or chocolate notes) and mouth feel.

If you really want to add those roasty chocolate or other flavours from malt, you would want to steep some special grains and add that with the water to your kit.

For example, I wanted some chocolatey flavours in my kit based RIS so I steeped 300g of chocolate malt and chucked that in...

...even at 10.5% ABV you can taste those roasty, choccy, coffee flavours coming through! :thumb:

This is where kit brewing starts getting really fun! :D

EDIT: missed the question about liquid malt. I'm not sure that it does taste any better TBH. I've just had better success with it so I'm tending to stick to it. All the beers I've done with it have come out really really good. That and the fact that Rob does it at 4.40 per kilo makes it not much more expensive than dried. :thumb:

I have a can of coopers stout, I was gonna steep some dark roasted grains and add a tin of dark LME to it, will the stout hide the flavour of the grains too much ? Should I put a tin on bitter in instead ?

Pawlo7671 said:
I have a can of coopers stout, I was gonna steep some dark roasted grains and add a tin of dark LME to it, will the stout hide the flavour of the grains too much ? Should I put a tin on bitter in instead ?


Sounds to me like that'll produce something lovely and dark and roasty. So long as you like those really strong "burnt" coffee, chocolate kind of notes then I say do it!
calumscott said:
Pawlo7671 said:
I have a can of coopers stout, I was gonna steep some dark roasted grains and add a tin of dark LME to it, will the stout hide the flavour of the grains too much ? Should I put a tin on bitter in instead ?


Sounds to me like that'll produce something lovely and dark and roasty. So long as you like those really strong "burnt" coffee, chocolate kind of notes then I say do it!

It's my Xmas brew, iv already got all the stuff ( 500g of the grain ) my girlfriend, bless her, got me the coopers kit so adding in the coopers tin of LME and the bag of grains still hasn't cost a fortune! Oh and m chucking the coopers yeast in the drawer for this one and have got a safale S-04 for this one, cheers Calum il stick with the stout then :cheers:

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