Which strain have you got wlp351? I've just done a couple of weisse biers with wlp300, one is bottle conditioning (a Schnieder Weisse clone)
CLICKY and the other is a basic wheat/lager/Munich (60/35/5%) to use as a base for a weisse kriek, which is still fermenting using the slury from the schnieder.
The Schnieder Weisse was tasting very good whe I bottled it on Thursday!
The recipe is as follows
Ingredient Amount % MCU When
UK Wheat Malt 2.534 kg 60.0 % 1.9 In Mash/Steeped
UK Lager Malt 0.718 kg 17.0 % 0.6 In Mash/Steeped
UK Vienna Malt 0.718 kg 17.0 % 1.0 In Mash/Steeped
UK Munich Malt 0.236 kg 5.6 % 0.5 In Mash/Steeped
German Carafa Special III 0.017 kg 0.4 % 3.4 In Mash/Steeped
Variety Alpha Amount IBU Form When
German Hallertauer Hersbrucker 3.0 % 40 g 14.7 Loose Whole Hops All Of Boil
White Labs WLP300-Hefeweizen Ale
Hope that helps some!