ATWez Ale

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Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
A T and Wez convinced me to have a day off and brew today. So i did. Wifey didn't moan about it either. :D So it's been a good day really. Had a bit of a hangover for most of the day though. Hair of the dog fixed that. :cool:

4500g Golden promise
150g Malted wheat
150g Amber malt

Mashed at 66C for 60 mins

10g Nelson Sauvin FWH
35g Cascade 90 mins
40g Nelson Sauvin 15 mins
40g Nelson Sauvin steep @80C for 20 mins.

1 tsp Irish moss

London Ale III yeast.

No pic's. Collected 21L wort at 1050. All went swimmingly. Yeast pitched and FV now in my fermenting chamber.
I might change the name of this brew to ATWez Ale. In honour of the two brewers who inspired this brew. :cool:

I like a touch of Amber in pale ales. It add's a nice colour and a nice flavour too.
Ta Da! And so it shall now be known as ATWez Ale. :cool:

Hope it turns out alright. ;)
Thats great, traditionally an ATWez ale should be hazy, as flat as a witches tit and be crammed with Chillies, I hope you stuck to style :P

Nice one MEB :thumb:
I'm the man when it comes to hazy. Not too clever with flat(my beers have 90% head) or chillies though... :roll:

Perhaps i could 'dry hop' with the chillies? :lol:
There'll be no chilli's in this, the brew to end all brews. That's if it starts fermenting.. Still no sign yet. But that's normal. It should get going tonight and be off like a good un in the morning.
I'm pleased to announce that this is very nice indeed. A beautiful colour and the Sauvin's really give an incredible aroma. Out of all my Pale Ale's this one must be the best to date. Not including the mighty DP recipe's of course.

True to form it's hazy as a hazy thing and flat as a witches tit. :lol: