Are there any lager all grain kits?

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Jun 2, 2012
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Radstock Nr Bath
As yet I don't own a fermentation fridge but probably will get (make) one, I've noticed that there don't seem to be all grain lager kits available in the same way as there are bitter, mild, stout and porter ones (i.e. kits with the right amounts of grain and hops weighed out and a packet of an appropriate yeast). Does anyone know a retailer that offers them? I'm not likely make many lagers so I don't really want to be buying more lager malts than I will need for one brew.
^beat me to it!

lager malt can be used 50/50 with maris otter for a nice light ale too though! and you can always use the noble hops for bittering. i sometimes brew ales with Saaz, very nice hop :thumb: just a heads up.
Thanks PD that Pilsner looks spot on, now all I have to do is luck out on a freecycle fridge. Being an estate agent I've been waiting for one to have to be cleared out of a house I'm selling and I'd offer to take it on for the owner free of charge ;) but its sods law that nothing's come up like that in the last year. Usually I have plenty of clients with appliances that they want shot :roll:

Edit: Good call Rob I could use some of the Columbus that I got at TST for bittering, just need to think on what hops and yeast.
Jeltz said:
now all I have to do is luck out on a freecycle fridge.

If you can go as far as Oxfordshire there have been loads on recently, I could have had a shedful over the last three months!

I'll PM you if any come up soon?