Are SS Pots worth it..?

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Newtons Shed

Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2013
Reaction score
I know, I know.... Whilst I've moaned about budgets ect I've got thinking of what I actually want to do. Whilst I haven't got any immediate plans to change my pots, once I am set up I'm tempted to go the whole hog and replace the current beer kegs with some decent 100l pots, but, I was just wondering if there's any point? I can see advantage of change the MT to a thermo pot due to heat retention, although my current keg iirc does hold the tempreture. I know it's not going to make any difference to brew quality, but they seem reletively cheap especially the un insulated pans which is what I would need as I use out door gas burners and would continue to do so for me gas set up makes more sense then electrics.

So would you upgrade to 100l stock pots or continue using the converted beer kegs?
If stock pots where from, ebay french direct (following kevs post in sales want?)
If your present system does what you want it to do...and your happy with it....why change...
Newtons Shed said:
I know, I know.... Whilst I've moaned about budgets

You were moaning about £14 for nuts last week N, now I am not sure what your point is. :? :lol: :D

Only you can decide what you want and how much you want to spend.
Like PID says. :thumb:
But if you want it, go and get it, but as I have said before, with a picture to prove it :lol: ,you don't need fancy get to make good beer. ;)
Again if you want it, whatever it is, have it, whats the problem if you have the cash, just do it, I/we can't tell you what to do, your call. :D
he wants us to tempt him.. :D :D then he will blame us...
piddledribble said:
he wants us to tempt him.. :D :D then he will blame us...

Well I'm not encouraging him :lol: , he was in a state of shock last week, as I said, deliberating over 14 quids worth of nuts.
Only joking N. :D
lol nah that's fine springer, the main reasons I was thinking of pan upgrade was to get a full 100 liter hlt/mt/boiler at moment I only have 9 gallion also the therm pot insulated mash tun save trying to insulate my current keg and as I don't have lids for the MT and boiler either I thought by time got the mash tun insulated and lids to fit I'm near enough there to get a new pot ionstead. It be the last part of the build as well so not looking to do immediate I just wanted other opinions if it really is worh getting nice pans or use the existing which are great considering didn't cost anything! I guess be on Christmas list once I'm back brewing!
In short, SS pots are very good vfm as they will last a lifetime, and retain a good proportion of thier value as long as your cuts are not too way off the norm, there is generally someone lurkin about considering a big build, like me for example ;) i bought 2nd hand pots..

deciding to fit a pot out with stainless skin fittings and stainless everything is not good vfm its a moneypit.

and the 'logic', or little voice that tells you "well ive gone stainless so far , better keep it all that way" Is Evil and will take your soul after emptying your wallet on the way...
You were moaning about £14 for nuts last week N, now I am not sure what your point is.
Personally, I'd stick to your kegs, they're better quality than the 100ltr pots from Nordic. The Nordic pots are great but they're thin, and that can be a problem with gas burners (though loads use them) :thumb:
Something else came to mind. Nothing wrong with going big N, I did, but you need four fermenters and somewhere at the right temperature to put them, or a expensive conical. Not to mention some sort of cooler, an immersion will take a long time to cool 100 litres. :D
Cheers guys.
As a say, it be the very last part of the staged upgrades and a long way off, so I suppose stuff could change by time I'm ready anyway.
Doh just realised, the batch size difference, I thought there was about a gallon difference and not 13 gallons difference!
As really only me drinking the fruits of my labour and limited n0 of cornies/kegs/bottles, limited amount of grain, I plan to brew regulary and varity so wouldn't want that much volume, be more like 70/80 litres, most really I want to do in one go is enough to fill 2 cornies and 1/2 - dozen bottles.
fermentall said:
Iwas going to say exactly the same,does that make me equal to you now S :? :lol: Ferm.

:hmm: yes I think so, Ferm :D

P.S. I said " or a expensive conical"
if you were going to say " , or an expensive conical. "
You would have been more equal than me. :D :lol:
:rofl: Hahaha like it,definately would have put a AN in there if i thought about it :idea: but i'll let it go just to stay on equal terms S :D
:lol: :cheers: ferm.
:lol: :thumb:
Good Ferm, not too much forum Craic, (would you have said crack?) about at the moment, :?
I don't want to be more equal, cos I make loads of typos, :lol: my fingers are faster than my brain. :)
We had better not steal Ns thread, but he won't mind, he sees the funny side, he will be counting the cost of his nuts. :? :lol:
Good to have the craic/crack, there iv'e said both just to be Equal :D .
NS is worried about 14 squid for his nuts, over the years mine have cost me thousands ;)
Anyway good to have a :lol: S, catch you on the next topic when i post my invaluable knowledge :grin: c ya ferm.
fermentall said:
NS is worried about 14 squid for his nuts, over the years mine have cost me thousands ;)
Know what you mean Ferm, :) :lol:
