Apple Advice.

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Active Member
May 6, 2012
Reaction score
Caldmore (Karma) Walsall
Hello again. I will have one of my FV's free in a couple of days and I'm wondering what to do next. I have a large supply of apples available to be and I was thinking about making a beer with them. Basically, 5 gal of apples, a few flavors and I was going to bitter with Golding hops and use a lager yeast.
Ok, time to explain. I normally dream up recipes in my sleep, this is one of them. The other day I had a nap. When I woke up I ran to the Asda to get the ingredient, Sheppards pie, but with cheesy sweet potato mash and chicken instead of beef, it was banging.

Anyway, this is a homebrew forum.

Technical question:
I have never used apples before. Basically, I was just going to fill my FV half way, chop up the apples small, pop them in and use a hand blender to pulp them up. (add Campden tablet and leave for 24hrs.) Add boiled hop juice and add water and sugar if needed to bring it up to 5 gal. And yeast and ferment for about a week. Siphon off into secondary container whilst filtering through some cloth or material to remove all pulp.

Suggestions greatly appreciated!
You can make a decent snakebite by making a 50/50 cider and beer. You'll need 2.5 gal apple juice and about 1-1.5kg DME then top up with water. Go very light on the hops because the cider supplies a lot of tartness! I don't think your idea will come out very well to be honest, home brew cider is very pungent as it is.

Don't underestimate how long it takes to juice apples either! lol. I spent over an hour doing a gallon.

By all means go for it, don't let me tell you otherwise - but I really would suggest a 50/50 beer and cider.
RobWalker said:
You can make a decent snakebite by making a 50/50 cider and beer. You'll need 2.5 gal apple juice and about 1-1.5kg DME then top up with water. Go very light on the hops because the cider supplies a lot of tartness! I don't think your idea will come out very well to be honest, home brew cider is very pungent as it is.

Don't underestimate how long it takes to juice apples either! lol. I spent over an hour doing a gallon.

By all means go for it, don't let me tell you otherwise - but I really would suggest a 50/50 beer and cider.

How do you juice your apples? It would help me greatly to learn a few methods.
Press would be better as it yields higher and much less work.

Mine go through a blender, then squeeze through a muslin bag. Not the best method, but it works!