All these devices are a complete and utter fraud. Magnetic water conditioners are a fad device that comes along every 30 years or so and they have never been proven to actually soften water. I browsed through websites of people selling these things and the only scientific evidence that was offered was pretty scanty. As a former environmental scientist I can tell you that to 'simply change the size of the water molecule' is not simple, it's impossible. Furthermore, a magnetic field will have little if any effect on water molecules, which have a virtually nonexistent magnetic moment. Other claims I've read about them are that they 'change the ionic charge' or 'alter the ionic activity of water'. This is also malarky. I know British Gas sell these things and constantly nag me to buy one, but the company and their staff get a big commision for doing so. Avoid. It's a waste of money. I might add that so far no recognised water authority seems to have given them their approval.