Anyone brewing this weekend?

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Dec 31, 2009
Reaction score
Falkirk, Scotland
I plan to brew on Sunday. Maybe a bitter, or possibly a red ale if I can find a suitable recipe in time - and if I have the grains I need!

Hoping that Steveander74 can join me, if he's able to, for his intro to AG. :cheers:

Any body else planning a brew?
Planning on Brewing Tomorrow :party: . . .

but Heavy Rain Forecast :( . . .

May brew Sunday instead :pray:

Going to weigh and crush grain anyway
I'm planning a mysterious brew (a recipe that may have a striking resemblance to several other people's brews over the next few months) on Sunday....
Sunday/Monday Old Thumper if my wlp005 is ready
Monday/Tues my 1st Lager if my stuff comes from Barley Bottom in time

also 40 pints of snpa to bottle. Trying to build up stock for the summer, (un?)fortunately a drinking pal has moved in just three doors up, deary me the hangovers and late nights!
Can't match roasting a hog :D

But am planning Highbridge Ruby Mild for Saturday :drink: :drink:
Am planning Brewstews rauchbier recipe in the how2 guide as it'll be my first ag brew. Cool box arrived today, so off to screwfix and tesco to buy kettles and hardware for a boiler and mashtun. So I'll need to build that first.
At some point I'm taking the missus out to lunch and going for a walk. :hmm:
I'm sure theres plenty of time in a weekend!
Got a batch of TC on the go that actually looks like its boiling its fermenting that hard. Prob be ready by sunday!
Not the weekend but going for Monday or Tuesday brew day instead. Got a pale to make and check it's ok before spring thing.
I'll be getting up early on Saturday to set my kit up providing the forecast is good.......boiling 50 litres of wort in your kitchen is not the greatest of ideas as I discovered last time I brewed and it decided to rain :lol:

APA to 1055 this weekend......plenty hops ;)
Planning on doing AG5+6 this weekend. A wheat beer that i'm hoping wont be too far off schneider weiss and a hoppy pale ale with lots of fuggles and cascade. Might do overnight mash friday night or might wait until saturday morning, either way, they're getting brewed this weekend, need to build up the stock.
ha! was it someone on this forum who boiled in his kitchen causing all the wallpaper to fall off an the units to warp and disassemble? I bet the new kitchen factored into the price per pint still came out cheaper than pub prices!

I'm tempted to switch to doing snpa again this weekend....but my wlp005 is ready, snpa with wlp005? could be a goer.
Do it! Deschutes "Mirror Pond" is made with English Ale yeast :thumb: I reckon just ferment it closer to 18 degrees to keep the diacetyl etc in check...
18C is the standard in my place....its the lowest my fishtank heater will go!

I'm almost convinced, as I've still not any crystal it'll have to be, I'm replacing the crystal in SNPA with munich anyhow. The Old Thumper can wait. Sold!
im working on saturday but might stick a john bull ipa kit or coopers real ale. wayne and garth( my 2 cornies) are getting lower by the day so i want to have a brew ready to put in straight away. party on!bigyin u havn a watch and learn brewday?
Going to brew one of my stock ales, if it comes out as expected I will bottle some for the spring thing comp.