Any recipe's for wheat wine?

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Active Member
Jul 7, 2011
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Any good recipes for wheat wine?
With the offer of some free wheat i thought it would be rude not too!! So im on the scrounge for some recipes and advice :grin:
I've got one from one of my Nana's old recipe books :D


- 1.5lb Wheat
- 3lb Granulated Sugar
- 1 gallon cold water
- 1/2lb raisins
- 1 lemon
- 1 orange
- 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1/2 cup strong cold tea
- Campden tablets
- Pectic enzyme
- General Purpose wine yeast & nutrient.

--- METHOD ---

1) Put raisins in a bowl & cover with boiling water. Leave overnight for them to soak up the water.

Next day, press the raisins with a potato masher to extract the juice. Pour the juice through a sieve into a fermenting bin.

2) Put the wheat into a saucepan & add the gallon of water. Bring to the boil & simmer for 30 minutes. Then strain the liquid into the FV.

3) Add the 3lb sugar, the chopped up lemon & orange peels, & the ginger to your fermenter. Add the cold tea. Stir well.

4) Leave to cool until lukewarm. Then add the pectic enzyme & campden tablet.

5) Add the lid, & leave for 24 hours in the warm, then add yeast & nutrient.

6) Leave for 10 days, stir occasionally. (Keep the room warm).

7) After 10 days, strain into demijohn. Ferment until dry.

8) When fermenting finished, rack into another demijohn. (It will need a few rackings before it clears). When it's fully clear, bottle.

Give it at least 6 months to age, possibly longer.

I have some recipes for a ''Wheat Whiskey'', a wine which tastes just like whiskey if aged for over a year. If you want those I'll be happy to give you them :D

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