another tc noob

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New Member
Jul 13, 2009
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morning all. new to the forum and to brewing.

anyhoo down to business, i put some tc on the brew 5days ago. just tesco pure juice with a packet of youngs cider yeast into fermentation bin and left it. well 5 days on and it smells lovely! its fizzing away nicely.

the sg when i started was 1.046 and is now 1.018.

however being so new i have concerns, the cider has gone a bit cloudy. is this common?

i will be racking off into demi jons in the next couple of days for the next weeks brew. does this all sound ok?

thanks in advance :cheers:
Yep - perfectly normal. That cloudiness is caused by the yeast in suspension. After fermentation it will start to drop out slowly as other wines and beers do. You speed this up by adding finings or crash chilling it to about 2 deg C.
awesome thank you. ive just siphoned it into demi jons and it smells lovely. still bubbling away at about 1 every 10seconds. its been in a 5gallon bin for 7days and was going crazy so its deffinatly slowing down.

what sg should i bottle and prime at?


ps i see your from newark. im from louth. small world.
As you have used youngs cider yeast it will ferment out completely :thumb:
You will end up with a final gravity between 998 and 994.
To be safe check for a consistent reading over three days before bottling :)
brilliant cheers. the airlocks have more or less stopped this morning. i measured the sg and its 1.008 so still i little to go.

i had a cheeky taste as well :D it was a little dry but also a little sour but only slightly, will this be down to not being fully fermented out yet?
If you think it's a little dry at an SG of 1.008 you are in for a surprise when it finishes fermenting :shock:
The slightly sour taste is a combination of the malic acid in the apples and the yeast, it will mellow with age (if it gets a chance ;) )
I would get ready with the sucralose (granulated sweetener) if you want a medium cider :thumb:
well i think it will be ready for bottling and priming within the next couple of days its down to 1.002 and it tastes lovely. smells great aswell. ive already added 2 tsp of splenda to each demi jon. the sour taste has gone aswell. so im a very happy boy.

now the inportant bit. naming of the brew! i want something a bit clever and shocking as that suits my personality. so how does

"angry cocks inn.

with a picture of two fishing cockerels in the middle. not too shocking is it :D please excuse my crudness.
anyone for a knees up? :party: :D


Love the label :thumb:

Are those smaller bottles at the front quite strong?
lol yeah they are very thick. dropped one and it nearly bounced back up to my hand. have i not left enough air space?
Thats good news :thumb:

I'd actually have gone the other way and topped up a bit more :thumb:
Looking forward to hearing about how your "fat cock cyder" goes down :thumb:

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