Anders Breivik

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Feed him into a sugar roller limb by limb over a period of about 6 months
adomant said:
eyelids taped open and made to watch "take me out" on an endless loop
You lousy bastard, nobody deserves that :grin: I'd go with Aleman's sentence.... :thumb:

Take a little bit of skin off at a time and rub scotch bonnet chillis into the bare flesh.
He will eventually die from having his eyelids open as he would be a lot more prone to infection through the viscous matter around the eyeballs.
Gently and slowly break his bones one by one.
Etc etc.
Sweepstake with all victims family, winner gets to murder him just as he did to their loved ones!
Strap him in a room with a healthy injection of adrenaline every 15 mins and invite the parents of the deceased in to have their way with him assisted with an assortment of DIY tools, salt, and (I liked this suggestion - hot chilli peppers) - 30 mins each family, but no-one is allowed to kill him........

......until of course, they'd all had their turn ;)

He would not be so smug after that :nono:

The utter cnut. :twisted:
Anyone ever seen law abiding citizen where he tortures the guy in the factory something like that crossed with the chilli idea. That's a great addition, blend a few up and squirt them down his chaps eye! Ouch
simonkidder said:
Anyone ever seen law abiding citizen where he tortures the guy in the factory something like that crossed with the chilli idea. That's a great addition, blend a few up and squirt them down his chaps eye! Ouch

Quality :thumb: that film was where I got the adrenaline inspiration from :eek: :eek: ;)
Superglue his chaps eye and make him drink water, doesn't have to be much would only take a day before he would be in pain and poison himself eventually.
String tied tightly around his fingers and toes one by one so they die off one by one. Start off with his big toes so his balance is gone.
Apologies I don't mean to use up all the good methods of punishment :twisted:
I dont know i think a slap on the wrist and a plane ticket somewhere warm is enough punishment...

maybe somwhere where a rendition may be sent. Or maybe Afganistan... she how his extremist views go down over there!
Force him to live like a muslim while rotting in jail for the rest of his life. I watched the doc about his spree last night, chilled me to the bone.
i dont belive that hanging or the death sentence is much good , they get off with iti would make them do some thing good to die with, hypnosis and made to walk around mine fields with clogs on