The trouble is that as human beings we might overreact to past bad experiences. After a successful run of brewing with extract and hops etc over many years I suddenly started to get infections so gave up in despair. The smell and taste left little doubt about the diagnosis! That was 15 years ago and now having more time on my hands I have resumed the hobby and so far have had two failures which might have been down to infection or could have been attributable to other factors. What I would say is that those of us coming at this with little or no chemical knowledge will rely on books written by experts and the one I used printed 40 years ago seemed to envisage frequent s.g. checks, scraping off the detritus from the inside of the FV and therefore by implication frequent lifting of the lid. Obviously by adopting the opposite approach thanks to more enlightened thinking and advice on here I am now enjoying the hobby again but would observe that a little paranoia on the subject is hard to shake off.