I'm 9 days into my first ever attempt.. A woodford's wherry kit. 5 gallon plastic FV. Well sterilised (I believe!). However, I'm not too sure how well I mixed the syrup in with the boiling water so may left some some stuck to the bottom of the vessel. There was certainly some left in the bottom of the tins that I wasn't sure if I should 'rinse' into the vessel (it was all rather a bit of a panic trying to focus on keeping things sterile to be honest). Anyway.. the OG before pitching was 1.037. This was after adding cold water to the mix but I didn't take an exact temperature so haven't adjusted that reading. 9 days later.. no krausen at all.. no airlock activity (the FV was a bit warped so it's probably not particularly air tight) but there is some scum around the side and on the underside of the lid. The reading I took tonight was 1.015 which I've calculated is a mighty 2.89%. The temp in the room has been between 63F and 68F so how accurate any of those readings/calcs are is debatable. I'm not really sure what to do next. Leave it a bit longer? Give it a stir? Add some more yeast? Add somesugar? Bottle it? Pour it down the sink? Anyway, whatever I do with it and however it tastes I've thoroughly enjoyed it so far and I'll certainly be trying again. Any advice or comment on any of the above would be much appreciated.