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Jul 20, 2010
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I've been posting here a few days and just thought I'd finally introduce myself. I'm Luke, Ive recently finished university and moved back home to Kent (although looking for work back up in the West Midlands). I've been brewing drinkable stuff since I bought a Young's cherry wine kit and learnt how it's supposed to be done about a year ago.

Since then I've made quite a bit of mead, cranberry and apple wine, red (from another Young's kit) and strawberry (using some 23% 'turbo yeast' - not very successful results). Atm at various not-yet-ready-to-drink stages I have: cranberry mead, bullace, Wurzel's Orange, apricot, lavender champagne, 25litres of TC and a ginger beer plant.

This forum seems great, so far I've mainly asked questions and I have about a hundred more, having been brewing for a year without actually really knowing what I'm doing (still, the results have been alright!) but I'm a quick learner so hopefully I'll be able to contribute advice as I go too!


Welcome the mad brewing forum... :rofl:

Your on the slippey slope to inebriation...yaaaa :pray:
Lavender that's a new one on me....comeon out with the will talk... we av vays here you know... :lol:
Welcome :mrgreen: :drink:

Why the focus on wine etc but no beer? No interest in beer? - I ask only out of interest - Each to their own and all that!! :thumb:
Big Yin Hi...

See you've done a St Peters red....have you had a test sip yet...I did one in first it had that "homebrew" about it...but now it's not to the go's down ok....a bit hoppy at the end...
I've actually not tried it yet - would have by now, but recently had surgery and on a cocktail of drugs that don't mix well with booze :(

Still, sure it'll be al the nicer when I finally do start drinking it!

The Admiral's reserve is rather nice - although I think I bottled too soon - a mistake I'm not going to repeat, as although it's very mild, there is a yeasty aftertaste that I didn't get with my previous brew - a Scammonden Dark :hmm:
Welcome to the Forum!
Ask all the questions you want, one of us is sure to have an answer.
Dieseljockey said:
Lavender that's a new one on me....comeon out with the will talk... we av vays here you know... :lol:

Adapted slightly from the recipe in the book I've got:

For 1 gallon:

70-80 lavender flowers
1.5lb of sugar
8oz sultanas, finely chopped
juice of 2 lemons
4 tablespoons of white wine vinegar

bung it all in a DJ with some cooled boiled water. put an air lock on and leave till it ferments out (should start fermenting naturally, without yeast, about the 3rd day). Bottle and prime for secondary fermentation/carbonation.

Leave for, y'know, some time.


BigYin said:
Why the focus on wine etc but no beer? No interest in beer?

I like beer, but the ingredients for it are less readily available and I started my brewing interest as a student in a smallroom. Beers takes up more space than a DJ!
Nice to meet you HM .. y'know, it is possible to do small batches of beer ... ;)

Well ... errrr ummm ............................... ahhhhh....

None really, I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be to brew a fantastic ale only to find there's only 8 pints of the stuff!
Tony said:
Well ... errrr ummm ............................... ahhhhh....

None really, I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be to brew a fantastic ale only to find there's only 8 pints of the stuff!

No I think your 1st answer was right Tony....when I started AG years back there was no no online recipes..I would work out my own by trial & error and make 1Gall at a time....some were brill..some were :sick:

Now I'm back into it I plan to make 5Galls batchs...but I'm looking forward to having another go at 1Gall batchs as I so what to crack the Pelforth Brune from France. :thumb:
Dieseljockey said:
I would work out my own by trial & error and make 1Gall at a time....

Yes indeed.. good point. Although for the effort and equipment, setting up and cleaning etc ... may as well brew 5 gal batches as 1 gal ... I suppose cost could be a factor though - and not so heartbreaking pouring away 1 gal as it would be 5! :(
Dieseljockey said:
Tony said:
Well ... errrr ummm ............................... ahhhhh....

None really, I can't imagine how heartbreaking it must be to brew a fantastic ale only to find there's only 8 pints of the stuff!

No I think your 1st answer was right Tony....when I started AG years back there was no no online recipes..I would work out my own by trial & error and make 1Gall at a time....some were brill..some were :sick:

Now I'm back into it I plan to make 5Galls batchs...but I'm looking forward to having another go at 1Gall batchs as I so what to crack the Pelforth Brune from France. :thumb:
:cheers: :cheers:
If you ever crack the Pelforth Brune formular be sure to post it. mix it 50/50 with Kronenbourg and you have something near Newcastle Brown. I always do this when I am running low on homebrew
If you ever crack the Pelforth Brune formular be sure to post it. mix it 50/50 with Kronenbourg and you have something near Newcastle Brown. I always do this when I am running low on homebrew

No problemo Ian......I know it's...
10.75kg per 25ltr
Alcohol Content 6.5 %
Bitterness 21. EBU
Colour 70.0 EBC

I need to find what malt...I think English hops are used.....that's the first couple of pieces of the puzzle....a long way to go.
How about using Brewferm Special B 400 EBC as the caramel malt and Styrian Goldings for the hops?
We're off to France in a week.....will try to find out anything I can about the brew :thumb:

Then I'll start having a go when we return. The base malt is european as you would expect..but still a lot to find out...the yeast for one thing.. :wha: