American IPA kits

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Sep 6, 2016
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Hi all

Thinking about getting one of these kits on. I've tried the Youngs Kit before and it turned out ok, but was a little bitter for my taste. Was thinking that adding some DME might reduce the bitterness a little, but with a ABV of 6.5% it might end up in DIPA territory.

Also, I have 50g each of simcoe and amarillo from a previous AG brew. Would they work well as a dry hop with the centennial & columbus which come included? I didn't get a lot of hop aroma the last time, so think some extra dry hopping would be suit my taste.

Any thoughts on swapping out the yeast with US-05 or a liquid yeast?

Ultimately, want a west coast IPA at the lower end of the bitterness range for the style with a ABV between 6 & 7%. No time or equipment to boil anything at the moment unfortunately, but kit recommendations very welcome!

Thanks for your advice!
Why even bother with a kit? Sounds like trying to "tweak" it to your taste might be more hassle than it's worth.

You have great hops at hand, and are willing to use US-05, why not just get some light DME and make an extract batch with what you have to your own taste?
I don't have the time to do an all grain or an extract brew. Just want to get something on quick with minimum fuss.
I've tried the apa kit, wasn't to my liking. I felt it was quite similar to sierra Nevada's pale ale, which isn't what I'm looking for. I liked the aipa kit, but would like to try and tone down the bitterness of it, or add a little more sweetness (if that's not the same thing).
I think it may be difficult to tone done the bitterness of a kit as the bitterness mainly comes from the hopped extract. The only thing I can suggest is to bottle it and keep it for 3 or more months for the flavours to mellow a little.
Maybe try a tin ipa kit and dry hop that with what you have and maybe something else?
The bitterness in the AIPA kit can't be changed, except if you dilute it by substituting plain malt extract for some of the hopped LME in the kit. The hop flavour and aroma you get from dry hopping can be reduced by not using all of the 100g of hops supplied. And you can add some sweetness by a grain steep of light crystal malt.
However noting you do not want to go the extract or AG route to try an alternative to changing the AIPA kit you could try boosting a one can kit by a light crystal malt steep, followed by a short sterilising boil of the wort arising, add all malt extract as a top up, and then use your hops as a hop tea or a dry hop to give flavour and aroma. My go-to for boosting is the Coopers Au Pale Ale, which in itself is not very bitter, and that provides me with enough scope to try different recipes. Kit review here
Thanks all for the input. I've decided to swap out 800g of the kilo of included brewing sugar with a can of cooper's light lme. Also going swap the include 20g of yeast with a rehydrate pack of us-05. Will add to the dry hop with some spare Simcoe & Amarillo and use a hop bag. I'm not sure how much spare hops I have, but 50g of each should get me a nice punchy aroma that'll hopefully survive for a while.
I used a John bull ipa tin with I think a tin of light liquid extract and 50g American hops dry hop and it was awesome
Can I just ask what your SG was with the 1.8kg JB IPA kit and what I'm presuming is a 1.5kg tin of LME?

Apologies I mixed up my brews,
I added 1 brew enhancer kit and 500g dried light extract to my John bull ipa, came out 1049 SG but Definetly the 2nd best beer I've made

The first was the Scottish heavy with the 1.5kg tin of light liquid extract with oak stick and rum added

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