I picked up one of those Young's harvest Pilsners for £2.74 in November. I've just put it on with 1kg of extra light spraymalt and 500g brewing sugar. I used Saflager S-23 yeast. My plan is to try to recreate a temperature profile for lager using only the ambient temperatures around my house. I have no brew fridge and am not going to get one any time soon, hence the need to do it around the house.
So, my plan is: 1 day at 20oC in the spare room to wake up the yeast (S-23 packet says to pitch two packets if using lower temperatures - I don't have two packets, so I figure 1 day at room temperature should help get the culture going). Then 3 weeks or so under my stairs, which is quite stable at about 14oC - basically until FG is reached. Then 2 days at room temperature again for the diacetyl rest. Then take off into a secondary FV and 'lager' in my conservatory for a couple of weeks before bottling. The conservatory is similar to outside ambient temperature, so that'll depend on what weather we have in a month's time. If it's warm, I may have to bring it back under the stairs.
How does this plan sound? Any major flaws, any steps I could omit?
I wonder if I'm trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear using good yeast and spraymalt with the Young's kit, but I want the best beer I can get with the materials at my disposal.
Thoughts appreciated :thumb:
So, my plan is: 1 day at 20oC in the spare room to wake up the yeast (S-23 packet says to pitch two packets if using lower temperatures - I don't have two packets, so I figure 1 day at room temperature should help get the culture going). Then 3 weeks or so under my stairs, which is quite stable at about 14oC - basically until FG is reached. Then 2 days at room temperature again for the diacetyl rest. Then take off into a secondary FV and 'lager' in my conservatory for a couple of weeks before bottling. The conservatory is similar to outside ambient temperature, so that'll depend on what weather we have in a month's time. If it's warm, I may have to bring it back under the stairs.
How does this plan sound? Any major flaws, any steps I could omit?
I wonder if I'm trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear using good yeast and spraymalt with the Young's kit, but I want the best beer I can get with the materials at my disposal.
Thoughts appreciated :thumb: