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Nov 6, 2008
Reaction score
Willenhall, West Midlands
Excuse the over exagerated subject line! :party:

I'm actually quite excited :lol: Having a new years eve party at my place hopefully. Got red wine, beer and hopefully some turbo cider ready to put into the corny!

Norman says it should be ready by Wednesday 17th at the latest. All rigged up with a co2 canister etc.

Good move crE :thumb:

You'll enjoy using that :party:

Hope you told Norm that you were from THBF :thumb:
Yes indeed I did! It was also in the subject line throughout all our email contact.

Do you get free cornys for everyone you recommend? ;)

But yeah, I'm well excited. You guys are gonna have to tell me how to use the thing though :lol:
LOL - no free cornies - dammit

Just want Norm to know that you came from us (mwu ha ha ha haa)

and so your quest for shinyness begins... mwahahahahahahaha :twisted:


what taps did you go for?
Using a cornie is very easy. I'm new to cornies and find them so easy it's almost boring.

I did polish mine when i got them too. :D Beware-shiny is very addictive :cool:
You're doomed now! I bought two to start with and now have seven full-size and two half-size kegs and everytime Norm puts more on Ebay I just can't seem to resist.
They are very handy and much less hassle than bottles, there is less waste cause you don't need to leave a little bit in the bottom like with bottles but in my opinion the quality of the finished product does not compare to bottle conditioned home brew. Still gonna keep mine :roll:
Erm Im not sure what taps i went for stew!!

This is what Ive asked for:

CO2 Reg £30

That sound ok? :shock:

Wooooo! :party:
crE said:
Erm Im not sure what taps i went for stew!!

This is what Ive asked for:

CO2 Reg £30

That sound ok? :shock:

Wooooo! :party:
If you're buying off Norm that will do cause he supplies the beer, gas lines and posts, top guy :thumb:
Bought my first Cornie yesterday from Hamstead brew shop B'ham. Put in 3 gallon of Edme stout and some priming sugar. Bent the dip tube off the bottom about 1".
Anyone else do it this way?
If you're buying off Norm that will do cause he supplies the beer

Really :rofl:

Bought my first Cornie yesterday from Hamstead brew shop B'ham. Put in 3 gallon of Edme stout and some priming sugar. Bent the dip tube off the bottom about 1".
Anyone else do it this way?

Not me. You only lose the first half pint to sediment, I'm o.k with that.

You guys are gonna have to tell me how to use the thing though

I'm in the process of doing a cleaning FAQ for them..should be done soon ;)
bassman said:
Bought my first Cornie yesterday from Hamstead brew shop B'ham. Put in 3 gallon of Edme stout and some priming sugar. Bent the dip tube off the bottom about 1".
Anyone else do it this way?
I bent the diptubes away from the centre on my first two kegs but haven't bothered with the rest. Ok, the first pint may be a bit foggy but it soon clears up after that, not worth bothering imo.
You wait until it arrives . . . then you'll hear the little voice coming from it saying . . . . Where are my friends? . . . . I need company . . . . . . . get more cornii . . . and it doesn't stop even with 21 (and 3 dwarves) I still hear them
I'm looking forward to it!

Gonna put some TC in it.

Do you only have to pressureize the corny once, and then it keeps the cider/beer fizzy/frothy until the last pint?

Also how long do norms co2 canisters last?

You'll find that when you first pressurise it the pressure gradually drops and you need to add more CO2 over the course of a couple of days. This is the CO2 going into solution and carbonating your beer / TC. Eventually it does level out and remain constant. You will still need to add more CO2 as the beer / TC is consumed however. I can't comment on Norms CO2 as I use pub gas which is much bigger but I should think it would last for quite a few kegs.
I use BB or SB sized bottles, depending on what BOC has in stock. they're the same weight and volume, just different heights and thickness.

i'll have to check the exact weight when i get home, but i'd say it's about 20kilos when full.. heavier than a full cornie anyways ;)

the first bottle lasted over a year, and that included purges, flushing and all sorts which wastes a little gas. i think i got through about 20 cornies in that year.
:clap: :lol: Yes, yes. Twisting the English language against me :twisted: Hehe

I'm genuinly looking forward to it now.

But - is there certain pressures dependant on whats in the keg? As I imagine a lager might need different pressue to a bitter?

Because in a bitter its more of a froth, and a lager its more fizzy - like cider almost.

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