All grain kit - were to buy?

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Dec 27, 2012
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Morning All.

I'm about to embark on my first AG brew the using the BIAB method and a mash kit seems like a good place to start as I would get all the ingredients.

As I can control the temperature of fermentation and lagering I rather fancy a nice pilsener (in hope of summer)
so which supplier can you recommend?

Many Thanks. Aamcle
Standard reply to a where to get grains question is from Rob at The Malt Miller - see sponsor links at top of page. Top quality in terms of product and service, his full mash kits don't include a lager though.

Given that Copper Kettle are good and do do a lager full mash kit.

A kit is a great idea for a first brew but bear in mind that it's an expensive way to do it, a 25kg sack of pale (or lager) malt along with smaller amounts of other grains will give you much better value in the longer term.
I'd find a recipe I like the look of, use the BIABacus to scale it for my equipment and order the ingredients. You'll have malt and hops left over but they will keep for next time. If you can, order a 25kg bag of base malt as it's much cheaper. And don't forget a few packets of yeast.
I've got a recipe for Harviestoun's Schiehallion that was given to me by the (currently AWOL) Abey.

I've got it lagering in the fridge just now but the samples I've had during the fermentation have been sensational. :thumb: