Firstly, sorry to resurrect an old thread but with it being a sticky..hey ho. I have to admit that I'm getting frustrated with my grainfather. The transfer flow rate is very slow due to the filter getting blocked with mush all the time no matter what I do. I've lined the filter with fine mesh.. it gets blocked. Today I used a pair of tights wrapped over the bottom plate and middle tube and even used a pre boiled hop bag.. filter still blocked. Very slow flow rate through the counter wort chiller which worries me because I'm thinking contamination all the time. Buckle up, there's more! I set the mash temp today to 65. I just want to mention that I insulated the outside of it with that silver bubble wrap stuff from B&Q because of this problem.. It supposed to stay within 1 degree either side of your set mash temp. Nope, dropped as low as 60 and then as high as 71. The last problem is the boiler element is too weak. I suggest you turn on the boil feature when you are sparging or you'll be there forever! Getting from 99c to 100c you have to keep pressing the green button until it decides that yes, it's actually boiling as it keeps flicking between 99 and HH (HH is when it hits 100c, it stays at 100 too unless you look at it.. bastard.. lol. I'd have like to have seen a little higher on the temp, maybe 101 to make sure as I wasn't confident during the mash stage). And just getting from 98/99 to 100 takes I'd say at least 5 mins.. Then you add your 60 min hops... temp drops again, at least 5 minutes before the beep goes as the temp has dropped to 98. At least 15 mins before the end of the boil time, you have to connect the counter wort chiller and run the pump to sterilise it.. boil temp will drop gain. The efficiency of it extracting what we need from the grain is awesome and IMHO, that's the only thing it has going for it to be honest. At this moment in time I'm glad I didn't sell my trusty ol' coolbox mash tun and sub wort chiller.. If there's a braumister trial happening, I'd love to take part in that. Just like to add that knowing me I've bought a duff one and I'd love to hear if anyone else has experienced these problems.
Take care everyone.