Ale w/o Pale Ale Malt or Koelsh w/o Kolsh yeast?

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Active Member
Jan 7, 2013
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Hi, was planning to brew a batch with the local ingredients available at the local shop. To eager to test my new 50L pot to wait for an order of proper stuff online.

The local dealer's supply:

Yeasts available:

Saflager s-23 (Past its' date)
Safbrew s-33

Malts available:
Munich Malt,
Pilsner Malt
Caramell Malt
Dark Spray Malt

Brewer's Gold, the only one they have...But I like it.

I like bitter ales and pilsners.

Maybe a blonde ale with Nottingham, pilsner malt, a pinch of caramel malt and around 30-40 IBUs worth of hops?

Or a Koelsh with Safbrew-33 and pilsner malt. Weyermann has a recipe to that effect. Anyone use this yeast?


odd. i'd get an online order in for your hops! lol. weird they have such a selection of malts but almost no hops, including standards - hallertau, fuggles etc.

i think your blonde ale idea is a good one considering the ingredients :thumb:
RobWalker said:
odd. i'd get an online order in for your hops! lol. weird they have such a selection of malts but almost no hops, including standards - hallertau, fuggles etc.

i think your blonde ale idea is a good one considering the ingredients :thumb:

I think you are right. I will put in an order for some proper stuff and see if I can wait :)
I think I will order ingredients for....

1. Weihenstephan Hefe clone - weird and wonderful banana delight :)
2. An American IPA, want to try to make something out of all their fruity citrus hops. See what all the fuss is about. I drank one yesterday that was made with only Amarillo, "single hop". Not balanced at all. It was like eating grapefruit without any sugar. What's a good combo for these fruity citrus hops? Not trendy just something with fresh taste. I think I will stay clear of the double and triple / Imperial Ipa's as well. Too much alcohol.
3. A bitter with Kent Golding or Fuggles. Any ideas for some tasty yeast variety that generates interesting esters at around 68 F fermentation?

Ordering stuff is also fun. It's Christmas all over!
Citra is a great single hopper for IPA taste. Otherwise try centennial (pungent, tastes like marijuana) and cascade? But use a recipe - they do get better around 6% than weaker!

You don't have to wait, there's .nothing wrong with basic beer :p
RobWalker said:
Citra is a great single hopper for IPA taste. Otherwise try centennial (pungent, tastes like marijuana) and cascade? But use a recipe - they do get better around 6% than weaker!

You don't have to wait, there's .nothing wrong with basic beer :p

Would have liked to have tried Citra. Been looking for it. I ordered Centennial, Fuggles and Hallertau for the Weissbier.
I drank some nice Ale with Perle, Centennial and Fuggles yesterday. Worked well even though one hop was British, one is German and one is American :).
Plus I can use the Fuggles to brew an ordinary English bitter later on. Perhaps I should have gotten some Cascade to mix with Centennial but heard they were similar? Also heard they mix well...
I would have liked to try that Nelson Sauvin stuff. I see you have mixed it with Centennial in one of your brews. Did it work well?
I've drunk centennial but not brewed with it yet - I will be very soon, so will let you know when I do. If you've tried any of stone's beers - levitation etc - you will know the taste well. Nelson sauvin smell great, the whole room smells of IPA white winey fruitiness! They really are to die for. Use them heavily in aroma stages I love em!

They are indeed similar, I find most c hops somewhat similar though, they just have varying desirable qualities - Chinook are blunt, cascade are light, centennial are pungent...that's not to say they're not all unique though! I suggest just sticking to a well rated recipe, a good IPA is tough to make, and you really can't skip any stages or tweak like you can with bitters without really messing the recipe up. Really like the idea of an American English German IPA, world war 2 reference perhaps? ;)
I would be wary of the hops if they don't have a selection then they obviously don't sell much or everything else is sold out and those aren't popular :hmm:

Either way they are probably not in the best of condition.

:lol: :lol:
S-33 is clean but poor attenuating, completely out of Kolsch fashion for me.

I'd brew pale blonde ale, some 200 gms low colour crystal (do they stock Weyermann? So they should have carahell), 400 gms pale Munich or Vienna, then top up to 1.044 with pilsner. Fermentation with Notty or US-05 should yield relatively clean, dry and very drinkable blonde ale.
zgoda said:
S-33 is clean but poor attenuating, completely out of Kolsch fashion for me.

I'd brew pale blonde ale, some 200 gms low colour crystal (do they stock Weyermann? So they should have carahell), 400 gms pale Munich or Vienna, then top up to 1.044 with pilsner. Fermentation with Notty or US-05 should yield relatively clean, dry and very drinkable blonde ale.

Sounds very nice! Have ordered more hops. Changed things around.

Before the weekend I should have the following at home :-)

Brewer's Gold
Northern Brewer
Hallertauer Tradition

:-) :-)

Wyest 3068 for a Weihenstephaner Clone
Safale S-04
S-23 (slightly past its' date)

Pale Ale
Munich (not at home but very cheap in the local shop)
Light Caramell (Munton's)
Dark Spray Malt from Munton's

Which hop would you use for that blonde? Northern Brewer + Fuggle should work?

The 3 next beers will be: Weihenstephan Hefe Clone, Blonde Ale w/ Notty (hops?), IPA with S-04 Chinook and Centennial (Some Fuggle late as well?)

I am happy :)

johnny_dove said:
Which hop would you use for that blonde? Northern Brewer + Fuggle should work?

Chinnock for bittering, Centennnial for aroma would be my choice for a hoppy beer.
graysalchemy said:
johnny_dove said:
Which hop would you use for that blonde? Northern Brewer + Fuggle should work?

Chinnock for bittering, Centennnial for aroma would be my choice for a hoppy beer.

:thumb: Yes! I am thinking an IPA with a mix of Pale Ale Malt and Pilsner Malt + Safale S04. Dry hop it a bit as well with Centennial :)
graysalchemy said:
Pitty you haven't got any us-05 as that would really bring out the best of the hops. :thumb:
lol I've just read this thinking you were talking to me and had to re-read it twice , :grin:
pittsy said:
graysalchemy said:
Pitty you haven't got any us-05 as that would really bring out the best of the hops. :thumb:
lol I've just read this thinking you were talking to me and had to re-read it twice , :grin:

Yes, perhaps I should have ordered that instead. I was choosing between the two but was in a hurry to order. But I do have Notty. Plenty more of it to buy locally as well. Perhaps I should use that one instead? Known to ferment clean and not distract too much from the hops. Last batch I did with Notty got down to 1007 so it gets pretty dry. Thought S-04 would be more interesting with a few interesting esters but perhaps it will make for too many tastes at once?
there's not much wrong with s-04, it's just out of style. every time i go back to it, i'm amazed at the fruity musty flavours it brings out, and I believe in it again regardless of what i'm brewing :lol: but grays is right, try to use a clean attenuator. you can harvest it from a few bottles of SNPA from morrisons if you want to, it's called the Pacman strain and great for american pale ales. might wet your whistle a little too :P
My shipment has arrived! I scored some Cascade as well. The local shop surprised me. They just had a delivery when I arrived to buy some malt.

This over powering recipe won the Swedish homebrewer's championship a couple of years back. Was picked up by a micro brewer sold well. Rave reviews on the incredible taste sensation from the hops....

Drakens DIPA
Volym 50l, OG 1078, FG 1014, IBU 169, Vol alc. 8.4%

9.000 kg Pilsner malt 62.1 (%)
5.500 kg Munich malt 37.9 (%)

1 Step mash @ 65C, 70.0 min

- 80.0 g Chinook 12.7% 60.0 Min
- 80.0 g Centennial 11.9% 50.0 Min
- 50.0 g Chinook 12.7% 40.0 Min
- 40.0 g Centennial 11.9% 30.0 Min
- 10.0 g Nugget 14.2% 30.0 Min (would need to be replaced)
- 30.0 g Nugget 14.2% 20.0 Min
- 40.0 g Chinook 12.7% 20.0 Min
- 40.0 g Centennial 11.9% 10.0 Min
- 10.0 g Nugget 14.2% 10.0 Min
- 40.0 g Chinook 12.7% 1.0 Min
- 40.0 g Centennial 11.9% 1.0 Min

Plus loads of dry hopping...Expensive. Would scale down to 25 litres...

1 US-05 20 (°C) 7.0 d Don't have. Notty or s-04. Maybe one pack of each?
2 US-05 20 (°C) 7.0 d

Notes: Style, Double India Pale Ale. ex. Hoppin Frog Mean Manalishi

Not what I was aiming for... but now I have more options since I have 6 kinds of hops at home:) Looks fun but I will perhaps make it a little more balanced:) I think I would reduce OG to around 1068 by mashing at 67 and by using a bit less pilsner malt plus reduce IBU a bit more. IBU/OG ratio is over 2 in this recipe...I am thinking I should get IBU down to around 90 which would make the ratio around 1.3.

IBU 168 is over the top, right?

I would also need to do an acid rest since I am on extremely hard water full of calcium.

Would have to sub Nugget for Brewer's Gold or Cascade. Like the beer to have some citrus flavour but also like it to have some hop flavour;) Don't want to make a citrus fruit beer. I would like to make a hoppy beer with some citrus tones.

I have seen that BG is possible replacement for Nugget on the net. I like BG. On the other hand cascade is meant to really compliment Centennial...

Target IBU?
Replacement hop for Nugget?
Yeast, notty and/or s-04?
Mash temp 65 or 67?


starters are for liquid yeast not dried yeast , there are yeast nutrients in a dried packet which get used up in a starter when they are wanted for the brew i'm told . But 1 pack is most likely ok for 25l just re-hydrate it first

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