Aldi electric beer tap

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Why do people make such long an boring videos?
Didn't even have an excessive length warning at the start

Doesn't the video have to run for a certain length time before you get money for it or am i getting it mixed up with another platform?
Doesn't the video have to run for a certain length time before you get money for it or am i getting it mixed up with another platform?
YouTube certainly was more likely to monetise your video if it was longer than 10 minutes.

Whether that’s still the case I don’t know. Either way it still needs people to stay watching it, so you couldn’t launch a 10 minute video with only 1 useful minute.
Well I tried tonight with my homebrew stout back to back one from the bottle one from the tap.
Ok hands up I may have over carbonated the stout slightly but from the tap was good head and much smoother like the real thing in case it was in my head poured from a bottle not as smooth and head dies away quicker.

Bit of faffing but I enjoyed the one from the tap
More money than sense?
It's £25, not exactly an extravagant purchase 😂 at that price I can see why people would buy it for the novelty factor. A lot of us have dedicated fridges and probably wouldn't give it a second glance but I can certainly see the novelty of it from someone that hasn't got a beer tap at home
Well if you could stay longer than Rod, he tells you the cheap Aldi one only works with cans.
So not much use to most home brewers.
Unless you keep an old can so you can pour your bottle into it & leave the sediment behind.