Alcotec turbo yeast 23%

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May 1, 2012
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Hi all

Im quite a new homebrewer i have had a few wine batches and decided to venture into vodka as its my No.1

I went into my local homebrew shop and explained my situation and came out with Alcotec turbo yeast 23% and got it put on as soon as i got home which was 3 weeks ago (Mon 16th Apr), this kit was only ment to take a week from start to finish. It is still bubbleing away and the hydrometer is reading 1.090

Looking for any help from where to go from here

bad batch of yeat get a new packet of hyeats if you can on its own try a prohibition kit theyre good
What was your SG? But if it's still bubbling it is still fermenting so leave it to do it's thing. You may be fermenting at too low a temp for that yeast. Not used that yeast but my guess it's designed as a wash yeast.
these yeasts have to be keep very wrm, to run in 24 hrs, you did not say what you are fermenting and how much sugar was used,

i use turbo yeasts to make a clean alcopop and iam luck if it runs over night, but then again i dont aim for 28%.

what you might have done is loaded all the sugar in at once rather than feeding it in slowly. in which case its going to take a couple of months to finish as once it gets past 20% alc it will really slow down due to the alc content
Thanks everyone for your replies

I have it at room temp its about a meter away from a radiator that is on most of the time. I did add all the sugar 10.5 kg of it at the start, should i have put the sugar in over a few days or something. Like i said im new to this and need a bit of advice. When its done is it ok to drink or do i NEED to do anything else with it

Thanks in advance
Oh boy you ill need to do something with it. It needs activated charcoal in it and filtering to get rid of all the nasty by products of this type of fermentation :sick: :sick:. Otherwise it will be undrinkable and if you did manage to drink it it would leave you with the biggest hangover this side of the Millennium.
steve_m_2003 said:
I did add all the sugar 10.5 kg of it at the start
That's a LOT of sugar!
In what volume?

Did you (or was it possible to) measure an Original Gravity?

If that was in 5 gallons I would make it around 1.170
Moley said:
steve_m_2003 said:
I did add all the sugar 10.5 kg of it at the start
That's a LOT of sugar!
In what volume?

Did you (or was it possible to) measure an Original Gravity?

If that was in 5 gallons I would make it around 1.170

Yes it is a lot of sugar and unfortunately i didn't take a gravity reading however you learn by your mistakes and i will in the future. On mon 30th april i took a reading and it was 1.110 and i took one a week later (last Monday) and it read 1.090 so its coming down a bit.

graysalchemy said:
Oh boy you ill need to do something with it. It needs activated charcoal in it and filtering to get rid of all the nasty by products of this type of fermentation :sick: :sick:. Otherwise it will be undrinkable and if you did manage to drink it it would leave you with the biggest hangover this side of the Millennium.

It already has activated carbon in (instructions told me to add it in at the start which i thought was a bit strange myself)
The Alcotec 23% yeast needs a very constant temperature to ferment to 23%. Next time, go for the 20% (Alccotec 48 Hour) as it'll ferment to 20% with a variable temperature range
Thanks everyone for the advice I will let you know how I get on still not too sure on what to do with the wash though I was under the impression it was drinkable
it is drinkable when its finished and no you wont die, what the problen CAN BE is that to produce the clear tastelest liquid you want you need to filleter out some of the parts inside the liquid that produces a taste, its not full of fusil oil if thats what your worried about, thats the job of the act, charcole, it filters the taste as it were, 10 90 and dropping is perfectly fine as its working,

mistakes so far is the sugar went it to much to soon, i would have done half of that first for 24hours and then the other half , a standard house room is about 18 degrees with the rad on may be 20degrees, these sorts of yeast would be better in a nice comfortable 24 degrees, try that temp in the car its very warm. next time try using a fish tank heater, tell them at the shop you have a fish tank of 25 litres which is a small tank a 50 watt jobbie will do it, i used to have a small batter air bubbler aswell when i used to do this sort of stuff, give the brew about 4 hours of bubbles to help the yeast along before going and sealing it off