Alcohol problems

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Dec 11, 2010
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It's my first brew , braverian wheat beer. Don't know if it's ready to bottle yet so bought a hydrometer, and first reading is 10010. If it stays the same a second reading tommorow it's good for bottling! But does it mean the alcohol is 1.3% ? it will be a sad new year if it is!
Vdubdave said:
It's my first brew , braverian wheat beer. Don't know if it's ready to bottle yet so bought a hydrometer, and first reading is 10010. If it stays the same a second reading tommorow it's good for bottling! But does it mean the alcohol is 1.3% ? it will be a sad new year if it is!
No, that's a Potential Alcohol reading, which assumes that fermentation is going to finish at 1.000, which it almost never does.

Unless you measured your Original Gravity you can't calculate your alcohol percentage, but that PA figure is meaningless.
Didn't do a reading to start. Only now got a meter to see if it's ready for bottling! But will take a reading next time.
If you take a reading at the beginning then another at the end of fermentation you can work out the abv by deducting the last reading from the first then divide by 7.45 :D

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