Air Leak Around Airlock Bung.

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Nov 20, 2012
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Hi there have been having trouble with 2 brews I done on Monday evening 14th October regards the lack of air-bubble inactivity they are showing.
Brew one a Wilko Stout been going like a rocket from the next afternoon the 15th.
While Brew 2 & 3 A Wilko Stout & a Woodforde's Wherry Real Ale not one bubble.
This morning I noticed that The Stout which has been going great has a rubber bung and airlock while the other two have a plastic airlocks. I sterilised a spare rubber bung I had and placed it on the stout FV and low and behold I have bubbles.
I am now worried that because there has been obvious air leaks my batches will be infected (although at the time I also smeared some vaseline around the bungs rightly or wrongly for this very reason).
I know some folk brew with loose fitting lids etc but I always snap mine shut.
Are my brews in trouble of being effected? :cheers:
Relax, your brews are protected by carbon dioxide which is heavier than air.

As long as any gaps are smaller than a fruit fly, you've got nothing to worry about.
In beer making, chuck your air locks away they cause more concern with brewers than anything.
Just rest the lid on the fv bucket or throw a towel over it until the initial violent fermentation has finished, then close the lid on the buckey till done.
I have 2 FVs on the go ATM. One had a leakjust like yours so I don't have an airlock in it. Just the rubber bung and something in the centre to fill the hole. An airlock is only usefull to show there's some activity, but should never be relied upon, whether bubbling or not!

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