AG #5 Wee Meg Ale! - tear and pic heavy!

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Jul 4, 2010
Reaction score
Dunfermline, Fife
alright folks, off work tomorrow so had already decided to do an overnight mash and finish off the brew tomorrow. 'wee Meg ale' is in tribute to my wee spaniel Meg,she has been gradually deteriorating since she had a mini stroke last June.
Over the last few weeks she has lost quite a bit of weight and all power in her back end and cant control her bowels.her eyesight and general awareness is going day by day, she can see shapes moving but can't see your hand when you are going to pat her head and gets a fright when you touch her so we've made the decision to phone the vet who is coming out tomorrow to send her to the kennel in the sky with her home dawgs. I wasn't going to bother brewing when I got home tonight but as I'm off tomorrow I thought it would be a good idea to try and occupy me to 2.30 when the vet comes over.Meg would have been 16 on September 29th, it feels like I'm losing a wee sister, absolutely gutted, can't put it into words how much of a hole she will leave in my family, but its the right decision at the end of the day.hope you guys all raise a glass tonight( if your still up late night bevvying, or over the weekend, cheers. :cheers:
onto the brewday.
was originally going for the brakspear bitter from the GW book but Ive got quite a bit of hops that I would like to try so have pimped my brew.i substituted 110g of crystal malt for 300g munich malt to try and up the abv, the original recipe is only 3.8%, i expect mine will end up higher due to the increased grains and efficiency with the overnight mash.
few pics of this evening so far, have to start with a few pics of the wee dug from previous brewdays! proper brewdog as you will see!!





wee bastard setting about my grains

recipe - I'm still an AG novice so if something looks wrong, then it probably is!

mash water

doughing in


you can see the wee grains of black malt in there!

dunno what happened with the temp, it was projected at 66 in the book, 64 will just have to do, its all tucked up for the night.

will be up early to finish the brewday off so will add some more pics tomorrow folks.
cheers :thumb:
Dogs, you won't understand unless you have them. Awesome creatures but they don't last as long as we do and are destined to break our hearts. Sorry mate. I hope the beer does her proud.
Sorry to hear about your Meg. My springer is 14 Jake, blind in one eye, arthritic and wee's a little when he exhorts himself. I dread that day and realise that day is getting closer. :(

I will drink a bottle of Old Jake Barley Wine tonight.

:thumb: :thumb:
Sorry to hear about Meg.

Yesterday I saw a young woman walking down the street holding a cat box and bawling her eyes out.... losing pets is really hard.

Anyway, good luck with the brew! :thumb:
So sorry for you guys, a dog is a family member. (I've got my Rosie and she's the closest thing I'll ever have to my own daughter).

God speed Meg.


You have a special place Dear Lord
that I know you'll always keep
A special place reserved for dogs
when they quietly fall asleep
With large and airy kennels
and a yard for hiding bones
With maybe a little babbling creek
that chatters over stones.
With wide green fields and flowers
for those who never knew
about running freely under
Your sky of perfect blue.
Lord,I know You keep this Special Place
And so to you I Pray, bless you and family abbey x
I'll raise a glass tonight for Meg, and you did the sensible thing Abey by getting a brew on, I'm sure it will do her proud.
Really sorry to hear that. She looks a lovely.
We lost our brew dog in May. Cancer. Still hurts. But we must do the right thing.

Hope the brew goes well :thumb:
cheers for the messages guys!brew all done, got a few photos that ill post later on. was aiming for 25 litres at 1.038, got 23 litres at 1.036, forgot to add the 295g of sugar doh! only done an hour boil and forgot to compensate for the extra hops.its surprising to see how only 37g of black malt makes it quite a bit darker. it tastes good anyways! cheers!
Sorry to hear about the loss mate, but what better mamorial to her than a cracking brew!
thanks again for all the messages folks. its been a very tough day, its a terrible feeling when you know whats coming and you wish she would pass in her sleep but with Meg it would never be that easy!at least the brewing helped me take my mind off things for a bit.
I finished up at the back of 1 then just waiting for the vet to come at was all over quickly and the wee bassa decided to empty her bladder after she passed! She's being cremated and we're scattering her ashes up at Lochgoilhead where she once used to swim free like a seal pup!

right now that you have all wiped your tears away I'll get to the brewday!

first runnings a wee bit grainy!

nice clear wort after re-circulating about 4 litres worth




spent grains

copper wort chiller - the bit going out the window is connected to my hose oustide

getting near the boil....

sanitised fermenter

hops going in

cool runnings!


nice clear beer

og check - at first I thought it was around 1.036 but on closer inspection looks like I might have just made 1.038

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