AG#2ish Golden summer ale

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Mar 16, 2013
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so on sunday (if I am not to hung over) I will be starting this bad boy

brew size - 23l
EST OG - 1.045
EST FG - 1.011
EST ABV 4.4%
EBC 11.8
IBU 29.7
efficiency 75%

4kg MO pale malt
200g torrified wheat

40g fuggles (5.7%aa) - 60 mins
10g saaz (3.6%aa) - 15 mins
10g styrian goldings (4.4%aa) - 15 mins
10g saaz (3.6%aa) - flame out
10g styrian goldings (4.4%aa) flame out

whirloc in at 15 mins to end

safale s-04

it was supposed to be adding 200g of amber malt but someone may of forgotten to add it to his order :whistle:
I am hoping to get some citrus out of the styrians (bobek) and am looking to brew the clean and crisp for total refreshment. the brew will be kegged into minis
god knows how its going to turn out but there is only one way to find out.
I'm just heating my liquor and I'm having a dilemma.
Now I never managed to get my amber malt so I'm going to have to redo my calculations but if I add 200g of sugar to the boil will this help me get that crisp taste? I don't want to much or I fear I will make the brew a bit insipid and to strong.
Will 200g make a discernible difference?
sam.k said:
I'm just heating my liquor and I'm having a dilemma.
Now I never managed to get my amber malt so I'm going to have to redo my calculations but if I add 200g of sugar to the boil will this help me get that crisp taste? I don't want to much or I fear I will make the brew a bit insipid and to strong.
Will 200g make a discernible difference?

Yep, simple sugars should help with your attenuation, so the beer will end up drier. 200g will make a few points difference to the OG.

By my sums 4kg of MO and 200g of wheat for 23L @75% gives 1.043. Adding 200g of sugar brings it up to 1.047.

Or you could forget the sugar, mash at a lower temperature and/or add a bit more MO?
Mash is already on at 66c so I'm thinking I will go with some sugar during the boil.
Yeah I love saaz, one of my first AGs (before I stopped for a while) used saaz and styrian and was lovely, that's what I'm trying for in this brew.
Missed my brew length by 2 litres, getting closer lol. Pictures to follow.











Good work.

I notice that you mash tun lets your runnings fall into your collection bucket.

I am far from being an expert myself, but have read that you should avoid splashing (adding oxygen) at this stage, and so it might be good to attach a hose to the MT tap to give it a gentler fall.
most of the oxygen will be driven off by the boil though wouldn't it?
Isn't adding oxygen (aerating) before fermentation ideal ? :?
well its really bubbling now, heads pretty frothy lol. I am really looking forward to seeing how this one turns out :)
Re:Aeration, there is a view in some circles that aeration of the hot wort, known as Hot Side Aeration or HSA, leads to the formation of unwanted flavour compounds. This seems to be received wisdom on the other side of the Atlantic, but some over here say it is a non-issue.

Aerating the cool wort before fermentation is of course essential for healthy yeast growth.
ok I can see that, next time I do the brew I will do it with a hose thing and see if it changes the taste at all.
This is going like the clappers, the airlock sounds like a diver and there is all sorts of crazy stuff floating about, it's like a lava lamp :)

Looks like I got the golden colour about right though.
today I racked of the beer of the trub and took an SG reading, down to 1.010, I make that 4.4%
its pretty light coloured and its tasty already, very dry but hoppy, I will see how it matures but I think its going to be pretty nice

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