AG#25 Exmoor Ale

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Apr 30, 2009
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So tommorrows brew is a slightly tweaked clone straight from G.Wheeler`s book :drink:

From a brewery near to me and their first brew exmoor ale. Just changed the flavour/aroma hop to first gold as I have no styrian golding :eek: hope this seems a fair swap! Should be a fine session ale at under 4% :cool:

exmoor ale 23l

3660g pale malt
325g crystal malt
28g choc malt

40g challanger - 90mins
15g first gold - 10mins
15g first gold - 30min steep @ 80degrees

expected OG:1039
expected FG:1010

will be using some nottingham yeast slurry from my last brew :whistle:
Lovely sunny day - great for backgarden brewing :thumb: All done with 23litres at 1040 - so great efficency today :party:

few pics,

good boil and first hops


lovely copper colour

I saved some yeast slurry from my last brew and did a starter with half of it so i can use the other half next week :thumb:

Also racked of some wine and mead :P
snail59 said:
What you adding into the boil with the hops????.

Its gypsum (calcium sulphate) its a salt that hardens the water and helps to lower PH levels - i use half a teaspoon in the mash and half a teaspoon in the boil. Its just a very simple attempt at water treament, I also treat my pre -boil water with a half campden tablet.
Both were reccomended to me :thumb:
gurtpint said:
You go! Do you use choc malt just for color or does it also contribute to the taste in such a small amount?

Even in small amounts it really adds to the flavour - I have found that 60grams plus can really start to take over in a lighter bitter and that 20 to 40grams really works well for my taste :cool: I use black malt with even greater care - but again small additions really add to the beer.

rickthebrew said:
snail59 said:
What you adding into the boil with the hops????.

Its gypsum (calcium sulphate) its a salt that hardens the water and helps to lower PH levels - i use half a teaspoon in the mash and half a teaspoon in the boil. Its just a very simple attempt at water treament, I also treat my pre -boil water with a half campden tablet.
Both were reccomended to me :thumb:

Thanks Rick. I use CRS in the water pre mash and add a little gypsum to the mash but not in the boil. After tasting your beers maybe I should :D
Cheers Mick :D Aleman gave me the advice - so without getting to bogged down with water treatment and water analysis it seems to help, or maybe the devon water is just suited for brewing?

When I have a house with a garage and a 100litre shiney brewery with pumps and little computer thingys i`ll probably look into some more in depth water treatment :lol: .................untill that day I`ll stick with what seems to be working :thumb:
rickthebrew said:
Cheers Mick :D Aleman gave me the advice - so without getting to bogged down with water treatment and water analysis it seems to help, or maybe the devon water is just suited for brewing?

When I have a house with a garage and a 100litre shiney brewery with pumps and little computer thingys i`ll probably look into some more in depth water treatment :lol: .................untill that day I`ll stick with what seems to be working :thumb:

I appreciate this is an old post, but I was going to substitute Styrian Goldings with Fuggles, but you have with First gold. Which is likely to be a closer match?

Not really sure which would be closer - the first gold worked well but then fuggle would also work well :D Whichever you prefer i imagine, hope it works out well :thumb:
rickthebrew said:
Not really sure which would be closer - the first gold worked well but then fuggle would also work well :D Whichever you prefer i imagine, hope it works out well :thumb:

I ended up chickening out and sending my little brother (bless him) to the LHBS. Finger crossed this will be a gooden. I really need to buy a Wort Chiller though.....!

Cheers for the help, Jakey