Style: American Pale Ale
Name: New Flat Ale
Yeast: US-05
Fermentation Temp: 18 C
Original Gravity: 1.045
Total IBU's: 34.81
Colour (EBC): 24.6
End of Boil Efficiency 76%
Mash Length (mins): 90
Boil Length (mins): 60
Notes: A very popular and robust recipe. Amounts can be varied greatly whilst still getting a great beer.
Volumes etc.
Water Required (L): 34.21
Mash Temp (C): 65 C
End of Boil Volume (L): 26.84
Volume into Fermenter (L): 23
Final Yield (L): 21.3
Total Grain Bill (g): 5176.2
Grains Weight (Percentage)
Pale Ale Malt (Any type) 3980g (76.9%)
Munich 1 797g (15.4%)
CaraAmber 404g (7.8%)
Hops AA% Weight Minutes
Amarillo 8.9 25 grams 60
Amarillo 8.9 22 grams 20
Amarillo 8.9 18 grams 5
Amarillo 8.9 10 grams 0
Adjuncts Minutes
Adjunct: 1 teaspoon yeast nutrient 10
Finings: 1/2 tablet of Irish Moss 10
Mineral: None
Brewing this APA tomorrow for AG#1! Starting to get excited. Should have measured out all the grains, etc tonight, but the amounts I bought were near enough the recipe amounts that I'll just do it in the morning before I start.
I'm doing it with the Brew-in-a-bag (BIAB) method as I've not gotten my boiler, MT and HLT sorted yet.
Anyone see any glaring issues with that?
Edit: Added 10g Amarillo at flame out