After Aleman

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Jul 31, 2008
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Thanks to a number of good posts on here I'm beginning to see the light and was interested in A's "cheat" recipe for pilsner. So here's my attempt I've also added 5ml of CRS to the mash & sparge water and will be adding a teaspoon of gypsum to the boil. The 90 minute mash started at 10.45.

23l brew length--Boil time 90 mins

3.8 kg Pilsner malt
0.28 Carapils
0.10 Wheat malt
0.50 Vienna malt
0.23 Menanoidin

60g Saaz 3% 90mins
2.0g Chinook 13% 75 mins (there's another 2 gone)
32g Saaz 3% 45 mins
46g Saaz 3% flame out

Yeast WLP802
The phial was 10 days out of date and the starter is slowly building up after 48 hours. I might delay pitching until tomorrow.

Taking the pill today (Whirfloc) for the first time.
I just re-read this, you're not gonna leave the boiled wort over night without pitching the yeast are you?
A T said:
I just re-read this, you're not gonna leave the boiled wort over night without pitching the yeast are you?

I'm thinking about AT :wha: we are having minus nightime temps at the moment. The yeast's a bit slow. What do you reckon leave the boil until tomorrow?
Brewstew has been doing that with no ill affects, wouldn't it be better than risking an infection by leaving it all night after boiling?
Don't worry about leaving boiled wort without yeast . . . I've pitched a wyeast smack pack (one of the small ones) into 20L of wort and it started fermenting 4 days later . . . damn fine Rauchbier IIRC . . . of course it was damn cold at the time (<4C daytime)
This is the state of the starter which is now showing signs of life. Is it worth pitching :?:

i haven't yet tried a continental brew. nor sampled anyone elses.

this looks tempting, but all that specialty malt looks expensive!
This is my first one really although I did a lager with the Chinook hops I've got loads of. I didn't have to buy big quantities. Hop & Grape will weigh out what you need and if by using them I can get around a decoction mash, until I know what I'm doing, I think it will be worth a bit extra.

I've been following Aleman's posts particularly his contribution to "Pilsner--help required" and decided to give it a go.
Aleman said:
Don't worry about leaving boiled wort without yeast . . . I've pitched a wyeast smack pack (one of the small ones) into 20L of wort and it started fermenting 4 days later . . . damn fine Rauchbier IIRC . . . of course it was damn cold at the time (<4C daytime)

I zapped up the starter with two teaspoons of glucose yesterday and pitched the yeast last night. It started to work in the fermenter within 3 hours.