AG BIAB #11 Moist Saison
Batch size: 23 Litres. OG: 1.047. Colour: 8.4 EBC. Bitterness IBUs: 17 Tinseth. FG: 1.004.
90 minute mash @ 65 degrees C, 23 Litres strike water @ 68 degrees C. Mash out at 75 degrees C (rising over 7 minutes) for 10 minutes. Sparge with 6 litres of water @ 75 degrees C, recirculating for 15 minutes.
75 minute boil.
Gypsum 5g
Dingemans Pilsen Malt 2701g 3.5 EBC
Crisp Maris Otter Malt 1500g 6 EBC
Munich Malt 320g 17.7 EBC
IREKS Light Munich Malt 270g 22 EBC
Torrefied Wheat 200g 3.3 EBC
Hops etc:-
8g Pilgrim 9.3% AA whole hops @ 75 minutes
1/2 Protafloc @ 15 minutes
8g cracked coriander @ 5 minutes
20g Citra 12.6% AA pellets @ 5 minutes
21g Amarillo 9% AA pellets @ 5 minutes
21g Mosaic 12% AA pellets @ 5 minutes
34.1g Amarillo 9% AA pellets @ 0 minutes (flame out)
48.5g Citra 12.6% AA pellets @ 0 minutes (flame out)
Ok, at his point you may have figured out that I was brewing to use up the pellets I still had in the freezer... I hate the things, and try to use whole hops wherever possible. The only pellets I have now are a minute quantity of Cascade in there....
Anyway, this was my 2nd go around using my new recirculation set-up, so I was using it as well to tweak the process a little. Main thing been suspending the steamer insert rather than pushing it onto the grain. Wasn't easy, and the butchers string my wife used snapped when I came to remove it, but it certainly was better. I got lovely clear wort from the mash, and crystal clear runnings from the sparge. Result! :thumb: Still got some more tweaks to come to the set-up though, try to make it even easier to use.
A few hiccups at the start, my wife was in the kitchen and I felt like she was rushing me, so got distracted. Nothing I didn't quickly recover from though. Turns out she was literally just keeping me company....
Totally solo brew sadly though, my wife had me put the table I use in the back doorway whilst mashing, so wasn't enough room for both of us to fit. So I doughed in myself, which took flippin' ages and seemed like a ton of grain (which it felt like when I came to lift the grain bag too.... lol)! On the plus side, absolutely NO grain on the outside of the bag, as I took a less "fling it everywhere" approach to pouring in the grain.
Don't tell my wife I said that though! I just need to train her to use the same technique as I did, as opposed to the "throw it in the rough direction of the boiler" technique she favours (it literally goes everywhere... lol). It might have been effective, but it didn't feel as fun without her.
Onto numbers. Kinda getting to the point now where I mainly just care about the OG and the FG, but still took them. I will warn you now, I confirmed how ruddy inaccurate my refractometer is, so some of these numbers are probably way out where I used this.
First up, the SG of the wort from mashing, taken with the refractometer, came in at 1.057, which I thought respectable.
Next, the SG of the runnings from sparging, taken with the refractometer, came in at 1.032, which I was even happier about as you could make beer with that in it's own right... lol
Mix the 2 together, and I had an SG, taken with the refractometer, of 1.044, and a volume of just over 25 litres.
So, I boiled it silly. Both elements on, and when it foamed I HAD to use anti-foam spray! No amount of stirring, or turning an element off, would tame that foamy beast as it sought escape over the top of the boiler.... It just kept foaming right over.
So, yeah, I defeated that beast with a good spraying of anti-foam, and it vanished. Sorry
End of the boil, I was left with 18.5 Litres of wort (according to the bucket...), with an SG of 1.058 (yeah, refractometer reading.....)... So, in went 6 litres (measured with a jug....), and somehow this gave me just over 23 litres of wort? Now, I know my maths isn't brilliant, but on no world did that ever add up... lol Somewhere, nearly 1.5 litres of wort vanished....
Anyway, however many litres are in that bucket, they have an OG of 1.050 (taken with my hydrometer, and double checked by my wife).... So yeah, I overshot again.... :thumb1: Oh, and did I mention that the sample was a gorgeous, crystal clear, golden colour? Clearest wort I've EVERY produced!! No bits visible, no sediment settling out of it, nothing but clear wort!! So, gave that beautiful stuff a really good sploshing from one FV to another. Foamed up like a beast whilst transferring from boiler, and again whilst sploshing into 2nd FV.
Anyway, 19 degrees C, so in went 1 packet of rehydrated Mangrove Jacks M29 French Saison yeast.
All that leaves that I can tell you about is the aroma! The hops in the tubs smelled wonderful! Especially the 5 minute ones mixed with coriander. As to the smell from the wort, gorgeously fruity and spicey! No, I didn't taste the wort, it's usually absolutely nasty!
The bad news is, I didn't take a single photograph.....