additives to add flavour to novel but bland white wines

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Dec 7, 2014
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Hi all, and as my first post i hope this isnt covered elsewhere and i have not managed to find it.

I have no small volume of white wines (60-80 l) which have fermented out fine but are just uninteresting, not unpleasent not foul off accents or anything just bland.. I was thinking what would be best to blend to give tham a little more interest?

Mainly its birch sapwine - im assuming the very low sugars to begin with have yielded a weak wine (foolishly i didnt test at the time), but also dandilion flower wine etc done several varied batches, for example one slightly oxegenated for a sherryish flavour.

So as a general idea what might i add - either to ferment out again or just to bulk the flavour. I had considdered a honey mix, then bottle to give a little flavour and slight fizz.
Cost is unfortunately a consideration - and i am not actually in the uk so choices can be limited as we dont really have brewing shops here

Anyhow you get the picture any advice greatefully welcomed.

And thanks in advance
My birch sap wine had a good flavour, but I included 2 oranges, 2 lemons and a pound of raisins per gallon. The same applied to the dandelion wine, plus tannin. Blandness is usually due to low acidity. For white wine, a pH of around 3.3. Oranges and lemons add acidity initially but as this is in the form of citric acid, which is at least partially neutralised during fermentation, the final acidity can be quite low and needs topping up, preferably with tartaric acid.

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